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What is the difference between CRM and Marketing Automation?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:12 am
by mdsah512534
You have many leads to manage and convert: Marketing Automation is particularly powerful to transform your leads into customers. Especially thanks to lead nurturing campaigns and lead scoring .
You want to improve the return on your marketing activities : thanks to the segmentation and dynamic management of your contact lists, you can significantly improve the engagement generated by your marketing tactics.
You want to maximize your customer relationship : by chinese overseas america phone number data automatically triggering emails at the right time for specific actions, Marketing Automation allows you to address each of your contacts individually when they are most receptive.
Especially if you already use the following for your commercial promotion activity:

However, you will have many more advantages if you already have some experience in marketing and if you know your funnel.

An Inbound Marketing Process
Email Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Freebie, Lead Magnet or Guides to Download
marketing automation and marketing funnel Nicola Onida Easy Web Marketing
The Marketing Funnel is the path that allows you to generate content based on the level of awareness of your leads. For example, with your company blog, you should publish TOFU, MOFU and BOFU content. Marketing Automation helps you develop your funnel.
Marketing Automation Software
The main Marketing Automation software in Italy are:


Marketing Automation and CRM roles and functions overlap and complement each other. In many companies, the two systems combine to obtain a consistent and detailed customer profile , from contact to prospect to end customer.

In general, Marketing Automation tends to focus primarily on creating automated flows for lead generation, lead nurturing, up-selling, and cross-selling.

The function of Marketing Automation is to integrate the information obtained from automated activities with the CRM or company management system. In this way, salespeople access data on the lead's behavior (for example, the pages they visit and the content they download) to evaluate targeted commercial actions .

Marketing managers study a customer's past purchasing behavior, provide reports and analysis to departments, and the CRM receives updates and additions to the customer profiles collected in company databases.

Thanks for reading my insight🙂

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