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Evaluation of effectiveness and script adjustment

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:48 am
by mdhasan550
The script is written once and updated regularly. While you understand the market reaction, adjust all the blocks and find the sales recipe, several global script edits may take place.

Nirro Call Center makes changes to the script at least 3 times during the first week of the project. Experience in different business areas helps.
Basically, problems in scripts are due to the incorrect customer's UKP.
If the results are dismal and the script shows 0% conversion, it is worth taiyuan mobile phone numbers databaseconducting an audit and reviewing the entire script from the very beginning, from choosing the target audience to the UKP.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the script by records and report
The assessment based on records and the report differs in the information received:

Listening to recordings gives a picture of what is happening at the moment of the conversation. Recordings are more suitable for assessing the quality of the operator's work.
The report analytics provides information on the overall effectiveness of the script.
Analytics recommendation from Nirro Call Center project managers:

Analysis of the report

Overall conversion of interested people
% of refusals
Reasons for refusals, according to comments
Selective listening of recordings, evaluation of the effectiveness of blocks and the quality of the operator's work.

If out of 100 dialogues you have 30% interested clients, then 70% of refusals.
First, look at the comments on interested clients. You need to understand how interested the client is in the product, whether he is really waiting for a call, or agreed out of politeness. Let the conversion be lower, however, the degree of interest is higher.
Next, refusals. If out of 70% of refusals 40% of the phones are dropped at the secretary stage, you need to work on the secretary bypass block: listen to the recordings, make adjustments. 30% of refusals are at the decision maker level, similarly, listen and make adjustments.

You don’t need to listen to all the recordings, select 5-6 recordings of each status, listen, and analyze.

Important: evaluate the effectiveness of the script within one target audience; calls for other types of client activity may require global changes in the approach.

Script correction
Script edits are:

Global, when you completely change your approach
Local, when edits are made to a part of blocks
Script adjustments need to be made:

Every day - in the first 2-4 days of calls
Weekly - after global edits have been made
Further, as needed. Over a week of test calls, you will have an understanding of the conversion, for example, "from 11 to 16% interested", an adequate spread, given the heterogeneity of the market.
When replacing the base and adding companies of a different type of activity, you need to re-evaluate the conversion fork, taking into account the old indicators.
In other words, if you previously called "flower shops", and now "wholesale flower sellers", the conversion will be very different. By the way, the script will require global changes. However, everything depends on the goal and product.

After making adjustments, you need to convey to the operator what you have changed, point out the changed blocks, or describe the essence of the new approach if the changes are global. After that, the operator is re-certified for work.
The cycle of evaluating the effectiveness of the script is repeated.

Let us remind you. The script is not written the first time, it needs to be analyzed and adjusted.
There are no universal scripts, everything is individual for the product
. Conversion depends on the UKP, the target audience and the product itself. If you sell SEO services in standard packages, the conversion will most likely be no more than 3-4%.
But an offer for wholesale purchases of building materials in a certain region of the country may be interesting to 30% of customers.

In December 2019, Nirro Call Center launched a project to sell diesel fuel in the Far Eastern District. The target audience was medium-sized construction companies. The conversion rate was 47.8% of those interested. No magic! The customer knew that after the new year there would be fuel shortages in the region, he lowered the price and the customers liked the offer. After all, getting a whole tank of diesel at a price 25% below the market and with delivery in up to 3 days was really profitable, work could not be stopped.

Write the script yourself or order it
To write or not to write, question 3 out of 10 Nirro Call Center clients.

Usually, when developing scripts, we are responsible for HOW the operator will speak and WHAT will be said to the client, the customer only agrees on the correctness of the decision-maker's proposal, information on the product.
Writing requires knowledge of psychology, linguistics and understanding of what is happening in the client's world.
Without knowledge of psychology, it is difficult to write working secretary rounds.
Ignorance of linguistics will darken the script with incorrectly composed phrases.
The lack of understanding of the client's "kitchen" deprives the opportunity to communicate in the format of conveying values.

Of course, experience in writing scripts is also necessary, because after writing 10-15 scripts, conducting project analysis, working with adjustments, an intuitive understanding comes which approach to use, how to build phrases, and bypass objections.
If you decide to write a script yourself, we recommend ordering an audit. A fresh and experienced look from the outside is always useful. After all, if there are errors in the script, they are replicated over hundreds of calls, the result of the work is low.
But you are interested in the result, first of all.