I recently saw a thread on an internet marketing forum about a website owner who was… well… confused. His problem was that he was getting four million visits to his site a month. He was consistently publishing epic content , and his hard work had paid off when several major viral content and news sites shared his content and earned him a nepal b2b leads
huge following. But there was a catch… His site was making $4,000 – $6,000 a month. 4,000,000 visitors. $4,000. His question: How can I increase the amount of traffic I get so I can make more money? Hello? Your site gets four million visits a month . I told him three words: Conversion Rate Optimization . If you’re not familiar with the term, here’s a better way to phrase it: Traffic generation is what you get. Conversion Rate Optimization is what you do with it. It turns out that what you do with what you get is much more important than how much you get. Increasing your earnings per visitor by $1.07 can have a much bigger impact on your income than simply increasing your traffic by 10,000 page views per month (which is a much easier task, by the way).
To get you started on conversion rate optimization, here’s a huge list of 101 valuable and actionable conversion rate optimization tips, broken down into five sections: color psychology (which colors convert best), copywriting tips (which words and writing techniques sell best), sales funnel and landing page optimization (making it easy to go from visitor to dollars in the bank), split testing (testing what works), and some general tips. These tips go beyond the generic “have a professional design” — they’re specific steps you can take to improve your website’s conversions today . I highly recommend you bookmark this page and keep coming back to it. Ready for this? Let’s get started!
Contents hide
1 Psychology of color
2 Conversion Tips
3 Sales Funnel and Landing Page Tips
4 Tips for Split Testing (A/B)
5 General Conversion Rate Optimization Tips
6 Summing up
6.1 Related publications:
Psychology of color
Different colors mean different things and convey different emotions.
Yellow attracts the attention of online window shoppers and works best with younger audiences.
Red creates a sense of urgency (great for limited-time sales and discounts).
The color blue promotes trust, security, and relationships, which is why banks often use blue in their logo.
Orange is the best color for calls to action (buy now, subscribe, etc.).
Pink is for ladies (appeals to feminine nature and is associated with romance).
Black is expensive and for the rich. As it turns out, black sedans are more luxurious than blue ones because they are black.
Purple is a calming color for people. It's a favorite among anti-aging product sellers, but it's also a pretty rare color on the Internet.
Red, orange, black, and light blue are for impulse buyers—people who buy something as soon as they see it. These colors are great if you sell “fun” products, like this site.
Navy and teal (teal is a cross between blue and green) are for the budget-conscious shopper.
Pink, pink and very light blue - for the "normal" shoppers, the guys and gals who are somewhere between impulsive and budget.
Red color produces 21% more conversions on squeeze page than green (in certain niches).
Children are more influenced by warm colors (red, orange, yellow) than cool colors (black, brown, green).
Males like bright and ecstatic colors.
Women like soft and calming shades.
Conversion Tips
Use words of power.
Don't talk about what you do. Talk about why the client needs you.
Focus on your benefits, not on what your potential customer will lose if they don't use your product or service.
Before you write the actual copy, write down the benefits and solutions your product/service provides.
Write for scanners, not readers. People scan. No one actually reads every word you write on the Internet.
Bullet points and ordered lists help the viewer recognize important points and better understand the material.
Format text to make something stand out.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Especially those that are accompanied by graphics and text, such as infographics.
Get to the point. If you can say it in 100 words, don't take 200 words...
…But even so, more content is better. More content (note: NOT more word count, although the two are closely related) equals more perceived value, which leads to higher conversions.
Ads that ask questions get a higher CTR . Example : 27% of older people in America suffer from rheumatism. Will your joints hurt when you're 60?
When you write, think about your site as a whole - don't write and optimize page by page.
Your focus should be on verbs, not adjectives. Accelerate your income > Make your income grow much faster .
Use " you , free , instant , because , and new ". Lots.
Tell a story. A funny one that will captivate and interest your audience.
Write in the second person (YOU receive benefits, not WE provide benefits).
A little humor never hurts copywriting.
Every word you write should have a purpose. Every word on the page you are reading right now has a purpose, except this one .
The first headline that comes to mind is usually not the best one. Before you settle on one, prepare at least a few good headlines.
Numbers in headlines work fantastically. 101 conversion optimization tips vs. a bunch of conversion optimization tips – which do you think is better? Yeah, me too.
Surprise them. Look, there are 1.7 billion pages of content on the internet. If you don’t surprise your readers and grab their attention, the chances are slim that they’ll engage with you.
Be specific. This wellness program will reduce your body fat by 47%! Or better yet: See how Michael went from 32% body fat to 11%
100+ Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Boost Sales
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- Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:00 am