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What bounce rate should I expect?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 10:20 am
by Mitu3120
important, and it is also important to keep in mind that it is something very valuable. On the other hand, it is also important to understand the life cycle of your subscribers, as well as to have a clean list.

The life cycle of an email can be as short as two years. You may think this is a very short life cycle, but many of your subscribers change their email due to work or general position changes and this can affect your delivery rate. It is important to have a bounce rate below 5%. Achieving this helps Internet Service Providers (ISPs) understand that you are paying close attention to your email list and its cleanliness.

At switzerland customer email list Benchmark, we determine 3 types of bounce:

Soft bounce. This type of bounce refers to when we send an email to an address that we know exists, but is not available at the moment. This can happen for several reasons (the inbox is full, the recipient's server is timed out or temporarily unavailable).
Hard bounce. In this case, you may have sent an email to an address that doesn't exist or has expired. This is common for subscribers who make typos or enter invalid, abandoned, etc. email addresses. For this reason, it's a great idea to ensure a double confirmation method for your subscribers.


Confirmed Bounce. Once an email address has had three or more soft bounces, our system automatically considers the email address expired or invalid. This will ensure that no email will offer a hard bounce rate in the future.
In order to maintain a low bounce rate, it is important to clean your lists every six months or year. This will remove expired and invalid email addresses. This way, you will maintain a good reputation with the aforementioned ISPs and see a better open rate. You should also pay close attention to your reports and try to re-engage subscribers who have lost interest by resending confirmation emails to ensure their subscription is still valid.