Miki: I definitely want them to show a bit more ego. While I think honesty is good, if you listen to too many opinions and end up playing it safe, you won't be able to break the mold. I hope the company will reflect more of the way designers think and think, of listening to opinions but also sometimes showing their own ego.
Miki: Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Yamashita suggested that we "make it possible to work anywhere," and we were preparing for remote work, so we were able to work fully cyprus b2b leads remotely during the state of emergency last year. Everyone worked at their own discretion and with a sense of responsibility, so there were no major obstacles. On the other hand, we also realized the importance of real communication. So now we decide on days to come to the office three days a week and work remotely two days a week.

-I heard you also hold morning assemblies.
Yamashita: We started having morning meetings about three years ago, and at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we held them online, but now when all employees come to the office we hold morning meetings face-to-face like before. In the IT industry, all work is completed on a computer, but I've come to think more and more that it's important to be in touch with people's facial expressions and the atmosphere, rather than just communicating through online text messages.
Miki: On the days I go to the office, I have meetings, and on the days I go remotely, I work. This helps me to keep things balanced and work more efficiently. Before I knew it, I was leaving work on time, but my performance was improving.
-In pursuit of the best possible conditions, you are also changing the way you work.
Yamashita: Recently, there has been talk about working remotely on days when the weather is bad, and we are also considering hiring employees who live in rural areas to work completely remotely. In the future, we would like to be able to offer more flexible working styles, such as introducing a three-day work week system.
We are also developing our own services. The future of Untype is a long-term goal
-Is there anything the company as a whole is challenging itself with for the future?
Yamashita: We are currently working on launching new in-house services in order to create a strong management base that is less susceptible to the economic situations of our clients.
-What kind of service is it?
Yamashita: We are currently working on a BtoB business, a web service to support employee benefits. In addition, our employees are planning and developing an educational app called "Terakoya Supplement." By working on it as a team goal, we aim to raise the level of the entire company.
"Terakoya Supplement"
"Terakoya Supplement" development screen
-I'd also like to know what you two are doing to grow the company.
Miki: My goal is to develop human resources. Until now, we have been managing our employees, but in the future, I would like to increase the number of people who can manage. I would like the employees themselves to increase their experience and knowledge, and to be able to control themselves.
Yamashita: To set goals for services and businesses that can contribute to society and to work toward them. Our roles are like the accelerator and the brake. So from now on, I hope that Miki will step on the brakes so that I don't get too carried away, and that we can steadily step up while maintaining a balance.
-What kind of people would you like to work with in the future?
Miki: I am someone who wants to grow and thinks deeply about things. I think that people who want to work in their own way will be given more autonomy from an early stage, so they can grow quickly. And I like web design. I see great potential in people who are passionate about what they do until they are satisfied with it.
Yamashita: We need not only specialists who can master design and technology, but also people who can communicate smoothly and have strong management skills. We want to build a good organization while identifying the potential for growth in each person's abilities. Right now, we are in the stage of solidifying the company's foundations, so we are mainly gathering highly homogeneous human resources, but in the future, I think it will become a place where more diversity can be born.