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The key to your future at Google

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 4:12 am
by Arzina777
We know that the more steps a user has to take to complete what we consider to be an objective, the less optimized our website will be. Therefore, if users who search generate more value for us, we are stating that there is a high potential for improvement to ensure that they do not have to search for anything to complete an objective or conversion. If they have had to search, we have caused them a small inconvenience, so our website will be much more efficient (whether it is an e-commerce or a blog) if we minimize and cut down the steps to the sale or subscription.

Likewise, it would not be good if the segment you are looking for has a very low value per session, especially if it has a high number of searches, as this would mean that they are not finding what they are looking for.

So, the first step is to fully understand our ecommerce or blog, analyze how users interact with the website and the search engine, and based on that, make decisions that allow us to optimize our business.

9.- Do you want to be friends list of burundi consumer email with Google?
Don't waste time answering me, it was a rhetorical question. We all want to be friends with Google! Let's see how to do it through the following (and last) two reports:

The first of this last block of two reports will show us the loading time of the website or blog based on whether the user enters from a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet.


In addition to the loading time, I wanted to include a second column with the bounce rate. The reason is clear, and it is that you will see how as you reduce the loading time (especially on mobile devices) the bounce rate of your website will gradually decrease.

What do we gain by lowering the bounce?

This answer is somewhat obvious, but without being a metric that should keep us up at night (as we have already discussed extensively in the guide), it can be a good indicator of the usability of our website and the level of stress it causes.