On Page and Off Page SEO

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On Page and Off Page SEO

Post by Arzina777 »

On-Page SEO : actions you take on your website, such as creating good content, structuring a good web architecture, taking care of loading speed, designing a layout that is suitable for the user, using internal links, or optimizing images so that they weigh little.
Off-Page SEO : actions that can help you in positioning, but over which you have no direct control; it is everything that happens outside of your website. For example, receiving direct traffic, people searching for your brand on Google, obtaining links from other websites, or going viral on social networks.
So, answering the question of what SEO is , we could say, in a simple way, that On Page SEO is focused on the experience we provide within our website, and Off Page SEO is the reputation we have built outside our doors.

However, before we go into detail about some of these SEO factors, let's start at the beginning, and that is that all SEO optimization begins with a user search on Google.

Find out what your target audience is searching for on Google
To get traffic from Google, the first step is to know what people are searching for on Google .

But not just anyone, but list of cape verde consumer email more specifically your target audience. The ideal is to reach those users who are interested in our products or services or, in the case of covering something massive (such as a general newspaper), what is most searched for.

Think like them, and investigate what their interests, doubts and needs are .


This keyword research is technically known as Keyword Research , and there are certain Keyword Research tools that will help you in this task:

Ahrefs Keyword Generator

Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a free tool that lets you find out what is being searched for most on Google based on a seed word. For example, if you search for “t-shirts,” the tool will return up to 100 derived keywords like “cheap t-shirts,” with an estimate of how many times they are searched per month.
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