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All about B2C Marketing

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:12 am
by sakib25
B2C stands for Business to Consumer , which literally means "business to consumer."

They are the set of strategies developed by a company that is dedicated to selling to the final consumer .

There are countless examples of this type of business. For example , Queen’s online store is aimed at end customers buying their clothing products.

Example of Queen's, an online store, to show that it is B2C.
Queen's online store, B2C example
In B2C marketing , the message will focus on appealing to the consumer's emotion and desire .

To achieve good results in a B2C business, it is important to take into account a number of factors:

Know your consumer perfectly and, above all, their needs. This way, you why telemarketing is significant for business can offer them added value that they will appreciate.
Set goals . Decide whether you want to make yourself known, attract new clients, sell at all costs, etc. If you set goals, you will know which path to take and choose the best direction.
Make it easy for the consumer . If, for example, it is an online store, make the purchasing process as easy as possible.
Identify where they are in the funnel . If you know where they are, you can better target them and launch more specific actions. They may be in the phase of learning about different options for their needs, in the phase of getting to know you better, or in the final phase, deciding whether to buy.
But there is not only B2C, we also have B2B.
We will also explain what B2B is , to give you some context.

B2B stands for Business to Business , which translated means: from one business to another business.

An example of B2B would be Limplas , which sells wholesale cleaning products and packaging:


B2B example. Clean them.
Limplas: a company that sells cleaning products and plastic containers
There are clear differences between B2B and B2C , since they do not focus on the same type of client and the strategies to be developed would be different.

Look for quick and instant results
The aim is to achieve a quick and effective sale , for example by using the discount technique.
Advertising is more massive
More customers , but with less purchase quantity
You want to awaken the final consumer's desire to purchase
Their objectives are set for the long term.
The sales process is longer , since the purchase decision is thought out more
Advertising is personalized
Fewer customers , but they contribute more purchases
Strategies focus on product features
It can also be said that a company can be both B2B and B2C .

Although in this article, we focus mainly on B2C , we want to tell you about the advantages that having a business of this type will provide you:

Quick and easy sales
Since the end customer is your buyer, everything will be faster and more convenient.

Since, as was evident in the differences with B2B, the end customer does not have such premeditated purchase .

Just make sure you make it easy for them too. Make the consumer journey as seamless as possible .

It's cheaper
The fixed costs of having a B2C business will be cheaper .

Why? Because you will be able to hire fewer employees, you will have less taxes, etc.

Updated prices
You will control the price you want to impose.

You won't be as tied down as if you were a middleman, who buys at a price, and you have to adjust so that the retailer also buys from you.

Even in the B2B world, negotiating prices is part of the culture . That doesn't usually happen in B2C.

Business control
When you own a business for the end customer, you have more control over how it is working , since you make direct sales and see face to face if everything is going swimmingly.

Image representing an online store, example of b2c
Now that you know the advantages of selling to the end customer and you know how to achieve good results, it is time to set a marketing strategy.

One day, while browsing through social media, we came across a "meme" that left its mark on us when it came to defining marketing . It said something like this:

«Having a business without marketing is like trying to flirt in a nightclub by winking with the lights completely off.»

Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear marketing strategy to boost your business, position yourself better in the mind of the consumer, and above all, help improve your sales.

Let's turn on the disco lights.

Examples of marketing strategies for B2C
1. Points of sale
This strategy is in case your product is sold at physical points of purchase.

The exact location of your product is very important, as more than half of customers make their decision at that moment.

Example of product positioning in a supermarket.
2. Word of mouth
WOM. It stands for word of mouth .

Speaking from personal experience, you always trust more what your brother or friend tells you.

If someone you trust tells you that they bought from a certain place and it went really well, you will go there too, even if it is just to try out the good experience they had .

In this type of strategy, we can also talk about the law of 6 degrees of separation . This law states that any person can be connected to any other person with just a chain of 6 people.

In conclusion, we will have to do it very well so that the word spreads everywhere in a positive way for our business.

Example of the law of 6 degrees of separation, the image demonstrates how we are all connected.
We are all connected
3. Advertising in traditional mass media
This strategy will depend a lot on your budget , since advertising on television, radio, newspapers, etc., can be expensive.

It will also depend on how many people you want to reach . If your business is focused on a specific niche market, it may not be worth advertising massively.