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Starting point of a business plan

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:02 am
by arnaorni034
It is during this time of the year that many companies begin to gather working teams with the aim of developing their marketing plans for the following period. These are times when business activity is generally reduced, the phones ring less than usual and managers and planners can concentrate on the strategic work involved in developing a new marketing plan.

How do we know that we are doing our job correctly? Obviously, all the phases of developing a marketing plan are important, but if I were forced to highlight one or two as the most important, I would say that they are the first ones. If we do not start with a good description of the situation and a good subsequent analysis of it… we will have difficulty setting objectives a posteriori, defining strategies and programs that are consistent with reality.

It is always advisable to bring in "some trusted outsider" who can provide an outside perspective, as this will greatly enrich the plan and make us see things that our business myopia does not allow us to see from within.

Once the plan has been drafted, it is advisable to reflect on these questions to identify whether our marketing plan is realistic and will serve as a work tool for the following period.

So here are the questions:

Does it better identify the market and target market situation?
Does it identify the market opportunities situation?
Are the company's strengths and weaknesses taken into account?
Does it specify who the main competitors are and what they do?
Is the competitive advantage correctly identified and exploited?
Does the plan derive the businesses and products that we must assimilate, maintain, develop and/or abandon?
Is the plan coordinated with the upper levels?
Does it help to clarify the strategic direction of the different strategic business units?
Does it offer approaches on the current and future direction of the business?
Is it consistent with those involved in it?
Does it identify the key points for success?
Is the plan coherent in all its elements?
Are all parts of the company coordinated according to the plan?
Have the main executors of the plan participated in its development?
Is there no doubt that the plan is realistic and can be put into immediate practice?
Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
Does it specify the objectives and results that will be obtained?
Does it qualify and quantify the objectives?
Is there a forecast of where the plan's fulfillment could lead?
Are unexpected situations or circumstances anticipated, evaluated, and acted upon?
Does it clarify strategies and define resources that will allow the objectives to be met?
Does it designate what to do, when, and who will do it?
Does it indicate tactics so that it is a dynamic plan that can be used for decision-making?
Does it consider alternatives to contingencies thought of in advance?
Does it foresee how to control it and adjust it if necessary for each period?

Strategic Marketing - Marketing Consultant - Germán Piñeiro Germán Piñeiro's BlogIf the answer is NO, you already know which aspects of your plan need to be reviewed before putting it into practice.

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Reflecting before, during and after carrying out the plan will help us to enrich it. Accepting criticism in a constructive way will also help us.

We must consider that all the time and other resources that we dedicate in the organization to develop a good marketing plan is the best investment that we could make. The present and future of organizations depends on a good marketing plan, since it allows us to anticipate market movements and resolve them favorably towards the interests of the company.

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