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New Technologies

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:03 am
by arnaorni034
It is well known by everyone (marketing professionals and non-professionals) that poor or inadequate management of a company's communication can destroy the value of a brand and even sink a company.

Communication management in times of crisis (such as those we are currently experiencing) is even more delicate, and every company should have a crisis communication plan with the necessary action procedures perfectly defined.

We have all heard at some point that “if you don’t communicate, you don’t exist.” Well, this true as life statement becomes a basic need for every company, especially in times of crisis. In this scenario, the use of communication becomes the best strategy to reinforce a company’s corporate image.

Tips and guidelines to follow:
Communication The Blog of Germán Piñeiro•Gather as much information as possible and appoint a valid interlocutor for all media.
•Avoid silences, communicating as soon as possible with specific data.
•Do not give in to pressure and communicate for the sake of communicating.
•Determine the format of the communication (press release, letter, meetings with representatives, press conference, etc.)
•Monitor all media to establish a follow-up and determine the scope.
•Determine the sequence and coherence of the communication, in the case of a crisis with a long extension.
•Propose the action plan for the relaunch of the corporate image that contemplates all audiences.

What actions are NOT recommended?
•Reporting without the prior knowledge and approval of the committee and senior management.
•Allowing committee members to make public statements without preparing their interventions in advance or allowing several members to communicate.
German Pineiro's Blog•Communicating only to “friendly” media
. •Lying about crucial information or not providing information to the media.
•Withholding key information to mimic the event.
•Showing incompetence, lack of control and arrogance.
•Being insensitive to the emotional implications among those affected by the event.
•Providing “off the record” information to journalists or other representatives of groups involved.
•Failing to consider all possible implications of the event.
•Considering only journalists when communicating.

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In any case, the most serious mistake that can be made is NOT COMMUNICATE and letting the snowball continue to grow and grow until we lose control of it. It is very important to face the situation from the first moment and take the reins of communication with traditional media or online media as well as other interested audiences.

When in doubt, it is always advisable to put yourself in the hands of a company specializing in marketing and communication or a specialized marketing consultant .

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