Do not change the default image or use a standard image

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Do not change the default image or use a standard image

Post by Arzina777 »

1.- Adobe Photoshop CS6. I personally use this to create all my graphic customizations, whether for the design of a profile or to create an infographic, but I was very lucky to meet Vicente Ortuño , a great designer and even better person, who didn't mind spending some time every day to teach me how to use this tool.

2.- Adobe Indesign.

Best Free Design Tools:

1.- Pic Monkey. It is the easiest editor to use and you can create spectacular profiles.

2.- Pixlr. A very complete and easy-to-use editor.

Common mistakes when designing social profiles:

Using a stretched or out-of-focus image because the image was not scaled to the correct size.
Choosing an image that is not suitable for the type of company or brand.
Buying a catalog image and not adapting or personalizing it.
Upload a catalog image without changing the file name, which is usually a numerical code.
2.- Creation and configuration of Social Media profiles
There are many mistakes that are made in this section, especially when starting out on Social Networks , but this is completely normal since we are unaware of the compliance rules of each of these social profiles. The idea is not to introduce an “unreadable paragraph” with the rules of each of the Networks, but rather those democratic republic of the congo email address aspects that I consider important and that should not be overlooked.


1.- If you are a company or a business, you are required to have a company page on Facebook, also known as a Fan Page, and not a personal profile, since we would be violating Facebook's rules and our page could be closed.

2.- Creating a profile on this Social Network is very simple, whether it is personal or business, we will only have to enter a minimum of data and that's it.

Facebook personal account registration

The next step will be to create our company page, and we must specify the type of page, as we see in the following image.

Facebook company page registration

If none of the options fit our business, then we will choose the generic option; “Company, organization or institution” and then “Company”.
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