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Copywriting: Guide to writing texts that generate sales

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:35 am
by chandonaraa405
Copywriting or persuasive writing is at the base of all marketing strategies . Words convey the essence of the brand, make us imagine a new world within our reach and, ultimately, encourage us to buy .

Writing copy that generates sales is part science nigerian email address part art, and like any other skill, it can be learned by practicing the basic principles. We tell you the keys to copywriting that converts.

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Copywriting guide to writing texts that generate sales

12 keys to generating sales with copywriting

1) Know the product and the customer
Good copywriting should always start with good research .

In order to adequately present the virtues of a product or a brand, we must have a thorough understanding of how it works and what needs it solves. In the same way, we must also know exactly who we are addressing, what problem it seeks to solve and what the common objections to our product or service are.


2) Find the right length
Writing texts of the right length is another key to seducing and convincing . Sometimes a single sentence is enough, while other times we will have to write many pages. We cannot make the reader think that they are wasting their time, but we cannot fail to give them the information they need to be convinced.

As a general rule, you have to think about whether you are addressing a customer who needs a solution NOW and who may act more or less impulsively (in which case a short text is more appropriate) or if, on the contrary, they are in no hurry and want to compare several options before buying (here a longer text would be better).

3) Write for the media you are targeting
Writing a script for a television commercial is not the same as writing a podcast or a blog article .

In general, if we go to the Internet, we have to take into account two fundamental aspects:

SEO . There is no point in filling a text with keywords willy-nilly, but we should be clear about which terms we want to rank for and include them at least in the titles and subtitles .

Structure . Most Internet users scan texts rather than read them in depth, so it is necessary to divide them into sections and use resources such as bold and bullet points .