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Common mistakes you make when advertising on Facebook

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:08 am
by sakib25
Surely you focused on “more sales” and yes, this is one of the great benefits of advertising on Facebook . As we all know, this social network has become a search engine and sales channel, but it requires a lot of effort, especially when your brand is new in the digital space.

You seek attention:

Fighting for your customers' attention is a battle not only the importance of using telemarketing between competing brands, but also between photographs, articles, and images from other users, which gain space in each Internet user's feed.

However, advertising gives you a certain advantage in appearing in an attractive way in the feed on a recurring basis depending on the budget you are willing to invest. It is worth mentioning that the more money, the more results.

However, advertising is a science that requires analysis and time. We tell you 5 common mistakes when advertising on Facebook.


5 common mistakes when advertising on Facebook:

Directing your advertising to everyone: your product is not for everyone and you must be clear about that; opening up your advertising does not mean having better results; in fact, it is taking chances and wasting your budget.

The first key to effective advertising is to analyze who your ideal client is and build their profile based on their interests, tastes, problems, needs, opportunities, location, age, etc. Hopefully you already have this information in your database or from the experience of your salespeople. If you don't know where or how to start, it's best to get advice from an expert.

Once you have defined who can buy from you, you direct all your efforts to that particular group, drawing their attention to solutions for their needs.

Not knowing the different types of campaigns: there is a special campaign for each objective, from reels for sales, leads, ads to buy fans and many more. Take a look at Facebook and review in detail the different prototypes and what objective they fulfill, link them to yours and create the design. Important: the designs vary in size, text, images, depending on the type of campaign .


Not being clear about your service: forget fancy or complicated words, remember that attention is gained and lost in a second, be direct in what you offer and the benefits that the person will obtain if they buy your product.

The best thing to do is to set the objective of the campaign, generate more sales (of which product), brand awareness, traffic to the store, etc. Once defined, the creation of content will be very easy.

Saturating the image : Apart from driving away potential customers with too much text or images, Facebook penalizes images saturated with text by not accepting the guideline.

Focus on clean designs and keywords that serve as hooks to lead them to the copy or ask for more information.

Not putting a CTA: a CTA is a call to action, what you want the user to do after reading your ad.

Once you have their attention, you want them to ask you for more information, visit you, call you, or give you their details for follow-up. A CTA is usually a verb: download, fill out this form, call us, visit us, etc.

Not following up with users: user experience is everything, in the process of obtaining information you can get a promoter or bad references. A cybernaut expects your response, the important thing is that once you have their data, you can follow up on their cases quickly and concisely.