Digital marketing hackers and business in Latin America

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Digital marketing hackers and business in Latin America

Post by Mitu523 »

9 Tips from digital marketing and business experts for your company
Thanks to the Internet, we have a lot of information available to find any topic or article when we want to make a purchase or learn about a specific topic. However, sometimes so much information can be a bit overwhelming, especially when we are learning about a topic.

Surely within your company you carry out various activities and it is difficult for you to gather information or update yourself on digital marketing topics that can indonesia phone number list bring more benefits, that is why in this article we have made your job a little easier, we interviewed 9 digital marketing and business experts in which they tell us their best tips to be able to implement strategies in different areas.

You will also find their contact information so you can follow them on their social networks and not miss out on their content that will allow you to stay up to date with the latest in marketing and business.


What is the ideal social network for my business?
There is no social network that is considered exclusive for any type of business, we could even say that the same turns may or may not work by emulating strategies. We must understand social networks as a means of interaction, communication and relationship with our audience, as such, as a means, but not as the entire message or the key to success.

More than the omnichannel and omni digital presence that is so much talked about today, your reason for being in digital is what should predominate. Ask yourself, what do you want? It is logical that we all want to convert (sell) in the end, but that requires a method and a path. There are many other determining factors prior to selling.

If your goal is positioning, conversation, customer service or a showcase, then the social network you choose will depend on that. To this question you should add another one: where do I find my potential clients? Remember that social networks are par excellence “communities”: places where people with many things in common meet. You have probably already noticed that they are very generational and that the tone of communication will depend on the network you are on.

Knowing which social network your business should be on is not that difficult, but it does require a little thought and research. I'll give you a simple tip to help you define it: ASK.

That's right, but don't try to ask outside, ask inside, call your clients or similar future clients and ask them directly, what social network they use the most?
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