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A necessary reflection in marketing

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:22 am
by asimd5
Communication. That is the key for any company. It doesn't matter if it is internal, external, in the media or towards shareholders. Communication is key.

Although it has become more than clear in recent years that companies are increasingly involved in providing transparency to their processes, there is still a long way to go.

But if we go outside the offices of the companies themselves, we find a cast of characters who consider themselves gurus of communication. We must be careful with this and really look for people capable of having the humility to put themselves at the same level as the client in order to grow together, not overshadowing them.

And this is achieved through a reflection on how, sooner or later, the marketing and communications sector will have to carry out an internal evaluation to see where they are failing in order to improve.

Browsing the web these days we have seen an EVO campaign that has the theme #Let'sGetDownOfTheHumos and, without a doubt, it helps us understand a little about the process that different agents and business sectors are going through. I recommend you to learn about the campaign first hand.

When times of low turnover armenia email address arrive, as has been the case in recent years, the cures are even harder. Many try to do their homework and try to improve communication and processes with their clients and society. And it is needed.

Whereas before, when everything worked, everything was more opaque, now the exact opposite is required: that everything be visible, that everything can be said out loud, that everything be sincere, and that the relationship with the client be much more one-on-one than it had been until now.


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Returning to the example of EVO , banking has a lot to improve and seeing how companies take a step forward and really use marketing to make their true intentions known and their change in management is something that makes the sector refresh, that the client values ​​and that the image is reinforced.

We have also seen how some famous faces have taken advantage of the popularity of the hashtag to be able to, like us, take it easy in any situation. And that is what we will do.

Because we need to listen more, because we need to think about the end consumers when carrying out campaigns and for them to understand what they consist of, because the photos need to be optimized and not weigh down when we send them, because we need to stop managing press releases in PDF format and send them to editorial offices so that the work is even greater, for all these reasons, without a doubt, from the world of communication and.