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From Storytelling to Storydoing: evolution beyond words

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 10:32 am
by chandonaraa405
Storytelling is one of the oldest resources that exist to provoke feelings in people and make them take action. We love stories in all their formats and they help us connect with brands, which is why marketers have always used them.

But in the digital age, we can no longer just tell things to the audience. We have to get them involved and make them the protagonists of their own story. The time has come to move from storytelling to storydoing .

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What is storytelling?
Storytelling is a content marketing technique that is based on telling stories about a brand and its products . To be effective, these stories must have some common characteristics :

They reflect the values ​​and history of the brand . It is not just about entertaining, we are also looking to sell our brand. Therefore, storytelling must be perfectly aligned with our branding.

They don't talk directly about the product or its benefits . We've said that the goal of storytelling is to sell, but that doesn't mean it's promotional content. Stories that sell do so without directly talking about the benefits of the brand or the product, and sometimes they don't even show them. Therefore, we have to clearly differentiate between storytelling and promotional content .

They connect emotionally with the audience . The power of stories lies in the fact that they make us identify with the characters and feel things. Storytelling stands out among conventional advertisements because it creates an emotional impact. This impact can take many different forms: inspiration, tenderness, humor, etc.

Storytelling requires additional effort compared to campaigns based on discounts and promotions, but in return, stories can provide us with unique benefits such as:

Simplify new ideas . Stories help users quickly understand abstract concepts and complex messages. This is very useful if we are introducing them to a new product, for example, we can help them understand a technological product through a story focused on what it brings to people's daily lives.

Motivate the audience and make them take action . Stories connect with us in a way that goes far beyond the rational. Storytelling, therefore, makes brands perceived as transparent and authentic and improves loyalty towards them. And all of this increases the probability that the user will carry out the action we seek.

Building community . Stories bring people together because they present universal themes and emotions, such as the hero's journey. With a good storytelling campaign, you can make many people feel the same way at the same time and thus generate a community around your brand.

What is storydoing?
Storydoing is the logical evolution of storytelling in online media : we are no longer just looking to tell a story, but to get people involved and live an experience with the brand . In this case, the consumer becomes the protagonist of the action.

To be effective, a storydoing strategy has to start papua new guinea email list these three pillars:

What we want to tell . The ultimate goal of storydoing is to convey something about your products and your brand. Therefore, the first step to consider is what we want to communicate with this action.

What we want to provoke . As with storytelling, the basis of storydoing is based on emotions. We seek to generate a memorable reaction that connects users with the brand and encourages them to get involved in our story.

What we want to achieve . Every marketing action seeks to generate a reaction in consumers. For the action to work, we have to consider what we want people to do and communicate it in a clear and unequivocal way. We also have to think about how we are going to measure the results of this action.


It involves the audience in a more intimate and impactful way . By forcing us to take action, storydoing stimulates brand recall and makes us more involved.

Generate brand mentions in the media . Due to their great impact, storydoing actions can become the best PR campaigns. By generating free appearances in the media (earned media), they allow us to reduce investment in paid media and therefore achieve results at a lower cost.