More and more businesses are concerned about implementing this strategy correctly and there are even companies that dedicate a budget item to training their employees in this tool.
What does this mean? Email Marketing is not just about sending emails periodically to your list. True Email Marketing is strategy and that is why today I want to give you the 5 keys to planning yours.
1. Define your goals.
Every strategy has to venezuela phone number list have an objective. Email Marketing can help you achieve the business objectives you set for yourself, and that's why it's very important that you stop and think about what those objectives are.
For example, do you want to increase your turnover? Systematize processes that help you save costs?
Choose the goal you want and think about how email marketing can help you achieve it.
If your goal is to increase your turnover, you may need to increase your subscriber list with qualified leads or perhaps you are interested in building customer loyalty with a special campaign for them.
On the other hand, if your goal is to systematize processes, perhaps what you need is to find an email marketing tool that allows you to create sales and post-sales funnels that help you save time and optimize your resources.
Whatever your goal, there is always a way that email marketing can help you achieve it.
2. Create the strategy.
Once you have a clear objective, you have to design the step-by-step process to reach that objective.
Planning is very important at this stage. Taking into account the time we have or that we have available is key to organizing the strategy.
For example, if we want to increase sales and we have thought about creating a special campaign for a segment of our list, we have to think about what the special dates of the year are, what timing we are going to follow, what content we are going to share, how much budget we have to invest in advertising, etc.