Boosting my online business through Social Ads

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Boosting my online business through Social Ads

Post by sakib25 »

After an atypical, historic and difficult 2020, we have reached the middle of 2021 where we can clearly observe the consolidation of consumption on some social networks (Twitch, TikTok) as well as the increase in e-commerce in the post-pandemic era.

In the recent study by IAB Spain, “ E-commerce Study 2021 ” prepared the essential guide to telemarketing together with Elogia , we observe how users are opting more than ever for online shopping (76% of all Internet users), increasing this percentage to 83% (if we are talking about those under 34 years of age).

What influences most when buying online?
The immediate environment. Without a doubt. But what do we call the immediate environment? We call the immediate environment recommendations from friends, blogs, opinion leaders, influencers and social networks.

How often do we shop online?
During the year analysed in this study, users made online purchases almost 4 times a month (3.8), while the previous year this figure dropped to 3-3.5 times a month. A significant increase that makes us understand that this trend, far from disappearing, will stabilise.

What is consumed most online?
The best-selling categories are: products related to technology/communications (60%), entertainment and culture (59%), food (56%) and fashion (56%).

What are the most important drivers that drive online shopping?


Exclusive promotions and offers are the most important drivers of motivation and choice. Secondly, we find ease and convenience, time saving and fast delivery. The trend continues to be positive and upward, with users being encouraged to buy after being impacted by paid recommendations and online advertising.
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