Spain has moved from 26th to 16th place among the main spam-sending countries. The ranking is once again led by India, which is responsible for sending one in six spam emails worldwide.
Sophos has published the latest edition of its DirtyDozen report, which covers the main spam-issuing countries. The data corresponds to the third quarter of 2012 and presents negative news for Spain.
Although Spain has managed to escape the top 12 for another month, the truth is that its position in the ranking has sadly improved. According to Sophos, Spain has moved up ten places, placing itself belize email list in sixteenth position. Specifically, Spain is responsible for 1.65 percent of the spam produced worldwide in the last quarter. In the previous year, Spain had occupied the 26th position, with 1.09 percent of the spam sent.
India continues to lead the list with 16.1 percent of all spam caught on the global web, up from 11.4 percent in the previous quarter. As noted in the previous DirtyDozen report, India accounts for 5.3 percent of the world's Internet users, making it the third most connected country after China and the United States.
However, given that this volume of users in India only represents 10.2 percent of the population being Internet users, for Sophos the data confirms the lack of IT security measures in the region. This lack of protection measures on computers is what motivates the volume of affected users to continue to grow.
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Italy and the United States complete the podium
Second place on the list, for the second consecutive quarter, remains occupied by Italy with 9.4 percent of spam. The United States, a long-time member of this list and which topped the table in the same period last year, is in third place with 6.5 percent, which means that 1 in 15 emails sent from this country is spam.