How to measure and focus the effectiveness of a B2B Sales Team beyond sales figures?
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:26 am
The other day, a good Interim client told me about Ramón Aldecoa. A B2B salesperson on his team who had only been with the company for a short time and had barely sold anything until now, but who was doing a very good job that would undoubtedly bear fruit in the medium term. He was worried that he might become demotivated and asked me how to work on this aspect and how to measure the effectiveness of a B2B sales team.
Measuring and focusing the efficiency of a B2B or Industrial Sales Team only by its sales figures today, reflects only past activity and a very low percentage of the "efficient" work of a B2B salesperson during a current year, for example.
Considering how to measure and pakistan phone number library focus the effectiveness of a B2B Sales Team beyond sales figures is a first step to put the focus of the organization and the sales team on the causal factors to be influenced in the short term in order to have sales results in the medium or long term.
In this article, I will delve into the aspects that, in my opinion, should be emphasized most when measuring and focusing the effectiveness of the B2B sales team in B2B and Industrial environments as complex as those of today.

Why? To improve team motivation and effectiveness by making their annual “indirect” activity more visible. I will suggest a good way to assess the “hidden and valuable” activity of a B2B salesperson who is working well even though sales do not yet reflect it.
The sales results of a B2B or Industrial company require an almost perfect alignment between Marketing and Sales for an omnichannel consumer who sets the pace.
At BtrueB we help many B2B and Industrial companies to design and align their B2B and Industrial Marketing and Sales strategies and processes with the aim of improving their economic results by improving the B2B Customer Experience.
Contents hide
1. The difficulty of attracting a new client in B2B today
2. What do you seek to promote and measure in the B2B Sales Network beyond the Sales Figure to be effective?
3. How to measure the effectiveness of a B2B Sales team beyond the sales figure.
3.1. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the DISCOVERY phase of a customer?
3.2. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the CONSIDERATION phase of a customer?
3.3. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the NEGOTIATION phase with a client?
3.4. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the ONBOARDING phase of a client?
3.5. What can a B2B sales network do to be more effective in the CUSTOMER and/or PARTNER phase of a client?
3.6. How to measure the effectiveness of B2B commercial networks throughout the CJMap?
4. Conclusion.
4.1. What could happen in 5 years at the same Sales meeting with the same people?
4.2. What does this mean?
5. Conclusion.
The difficulty of attracting a new client in B2B today
In B2B and industrial environments, getting a new client is a very long process that requires a lot of time until it crystallizes into a first order.
Getting a B2B client to put you on their radar and get to know you is a complicated process that is often 100% digital. Getting their attention by appearing in their increasingly autonomous and omnichannel searches will depend on the connection between Marketing and Sales.
In any case, from the moment they meet you, when they probably already have the need that you solve well resolved, until a meeting with your sellers can take place, it will be a very long process (various studies average it at 3-4 years) that requires a Customer Engagement strategy, while waiting for an opportunity to start a negotiation to arise.
On the other hand, decisions in B2B are not made by the Buying Committee alone. The decision is made by several people, which slows down the process. Furthermore, it is not just one person who needs to be convinced.
The efficiency of a B2B sales team a few years ago, when there was not such a digitalized customer profile or so much information available, depended much more on its own proactivity by cold calling and closing deals via price, for example. Then, yes, the sales figure could measure the short-term efficiency of that B2B Seller.
Today, sales figures are “cooked” in a hidden way several years ago with a very strong digital and autonomous component, in very saturated channels. Therefore, the influence of an “Old School” B2B Sales Network on sales figures is no longer as fast or 100% attributable to it.
Measuring and focusing the efficiency of a B2B or Industrial Sales Team only by its sales figures today, reflects only past activity and a very low percentage of the "efficient" work of a B2B salesperson during a current year, for example.
Considering how to measure and pakistan phone number library focus the effectiveness of a B2B Sales Team beyond sales figures is a first step to put the focus of the organization and the sales team on the causal factors to be influenced in the short term in order to have sales results in the medium or long term.
In this article, I will delve into the aspects that, in my opinion, should be emphasized most when measuring and focusing the effectiveness of the B2B sales team in B2B and Industrial environments as complex as those of today.

Why? To improve team motivation and effectiveness by making their annual “indirect” activity more visible. I will suggest a good way to assess the “hidden and valuable” activity of a B2B salesperson who is working well even though sales do not yet reflect it.
The sales results of a B2B or Industrial company require an almost perfect alignment between Marketing and Sales for an omnichannel consumer who sets the pace.
At BtrueB we help many B2B and Industrial companies to design and align their B2B and Industrial Marketing and Sales strategies and processes with the aim of improving their economic results by improving the B2B Customer Experience.
Contents hide
1. The difficulty of attracting a new client in B2B today
2. What do you seek to promote and measure in the B2B Sales Network beyond the Sales Figure to be effective?
3. How to measure the effectiveness of a B2B Sales team beyond the sales figure.
3.1. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the DISCOVERY phase of a customer?
3.2. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the CONSIDERATION phase of a customer?
3.3. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the NEGOTIATION phase with a client?
3.4. What can a B2B sales network do to be effective in the ONBOARDING phase of a client?
3.5. What can a B2B sales network do to be more effective in the CUSTOMER and/or PARTNER phase of a client?
3.6. How to measure the effectiveness of B2B commercial networks throughout the CJMap?
4. Conclusion.
4.1. What could happen in 5 years at the same Sales meeting with the same people?
4.2. What does this mean?
5. Conclusion.
The difficulty of attracting a new client in B2B today
In B2B and industrial environments, getting a new client is a very long process that requires a lot of time until it crystallizes into a first order.
Getting a B2B client to put you on their radar and get to know you is a complicated process that is often 100% digital. Getting their attention by appearing in their increasingly autonomous and omnichannel searches will depend on the connection between Marketing and Sales.
In any case, from the moment they meet you, when they probably already have the need that you solve well resolved, until a meeting with your sellers can take place, it will be a very long process (various studies average it at 3-4 years) that requires a Customer Engagement strategy, while waiting for an opportunity to start a negotiation to arise.
On the other hand, decisions in B2B are not made by the Buying Committee alone. The decision is made by several people, which slows down the process. Furthermore, it is not just one person who needs to be convinced.
The efficiency of a B2B sales team a few years ago, when there was not such a digitalized customer profile or so much information available, depended much more on its own proactivity by cold calling and closing deals via price, for example. Then, yes, the sales figure could measure the short-term efficiency of that B2B Seller.
Today, sales figures are “cooked” in a hidden way several years ago with a very strong digital and autonomous component, in very saturated channels. Therefore, the influence of an “Old School” B2B Sales Network on sales figures is no longer as fast or 100% attributable to it.