How to build differential Customer Engagement in B2B and Industrial markets.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:27 am
The importance of differentiating oneself in the relationship and thus gaining customer commitment has led many companies to consider how to build B2B or Industrial relationships to be considered a B2B or Industrial customer experience. The construction and practical perception of this differentiation, in the eyes of its customers, is in the personalized interactions of value that the company is able to generate with its active and potential customers.
It is about generating commitment, value and emotionality at every point of contact with your customers. In other words, it is about building Customer Engagement.
In this article I will discuss my personal experience on how to build differential Customer Engagement in B2B and Industrial environments or, in other words: how to build oman phone number library differential B2B or Industrial relationships to generate customer commitment beyond the product and price.
At BtrueB we believe that working actively on Customer Engagement is the perfect way to activate and bring segmentation and therefore specialization by type of client to reality.
The term engagement probably makes us very lazy in B2B and even more so in industrial environments since we associate it with the end consumer and digital interactions only.
But this is not the case, the term is even more decisive in B2B than in B2C and of course it is not only digital.
Why is Customer Engagement more decisive in B2B than in B2C?
In B2B, companies and individuals take a lot of risk when deciding to choose a new supplier. Building trust to reduce this risk is essential. In B2B and Industrial, each point of contact is an emotional interaction and an opportunity to seek to build trust. B2B customers take a big risk, but not so much in B2C.
As Linda D. Hollebeek explains in her article on B2B Customer Engagement “Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research”.( link ) Journal of ServiceResearch, 14 (3), 2011, B2B companies have a compelling need for co-creation with their customers and suppliers.
This is done in order to personalize, at the very least, the delivery and payment conditions and to be able to personalize the products or even the associated services. There will always be a “minimum layer of services” when building differential B2B or Industrial relationships that require a relationship and a commitment.
If the customer is not involved in creating value, the supplier is very limited in returning value to the customer. In B2C, this is not the case, since most sales are purely transactional without the need for any interaction and without any perception of risk.
In this article I have sought to share my experience and vision on B2B and Industrial Customer Engagement. As an Industrial Customer Experience Consultant , I focus my operations on generating highly personalized and valuable Customer Engagement for the client, helping companies generate content, services, tools, human interactions, etc.
Without a doubt, this part is the most beautiful part of the process and is the natural application of my own Customer Centric transformation methodology called Outside In.
It is about generating commitment, value and emotionality at every point of contact with your customers. In other words, it is about building Customer Engagement.
In this article I will discuss my personal experience on how to build differential Customer Engagement in B2B and Industrial environments or, in other words: how to build oman phone number library differential B2B or Industrial relationships to generate customer commitment beyond the product and price.
At BtrueB we believe that working actively on Customer Engagement is the perfect way to activate and bring segmentation and therefore specialization by type of client to reality.
The term engagement probably makes us very lazy in B2B and even more so in industrial environments since we associate it with the end consumer and digital interactions only.
But this is not the case, the term is even more decisive in B2B than in B2C and of course it is not only digital.
Why is Customer Engagement more decisive in B2B than in B2C?
In B2B, companies and individuals take a lot of risk when deciding to choose a new supplier. Building trust to reduce this risk is essential. In B2B and Industrial, each point of contact is an emotional interaction and an opportunity to seek to build trust. B2B customers take a big risk, but not so much in B2C.
As Linda D. Hollebeek explains in her article on B2B Customer Engagement “Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research”.( link ) Journal of ServiceResearch, 14 (3), 2011, B2B companies have a compelling need for co-creation with their customers and suppliers.
This is done in order to personalize, at the very least, the delivery and payment conditions and to be able to personalize the products or even the associated services. There will always be a “minimum layer of services” when building differential B2B or Industrial relationships that require a relationship and a commitment.
If the customer is not involved in creating value, the supplier is very limited in returning value to the customer. In B2C, this is not the case, since most sales are purely transactional without the need for any interaction and without any perception of risk.
In this article I have sought to share my experience and vision on B2B and Industrial Customer Engagement. As an Industrial Customer Experience Consultant , I focus my operations on generating highly personalized and valuable Customer Engagement for the client, helping companies generate content, services, tools, human interactions, etc.
Without a doubt, this part is the most beautiful part of the process and is the natural application of my own Customer Centric transformation methodology called Outside In.