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The best B2B differentiation strategy today: developing creativity and intuition.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:34 am
by mehadihasan123
In a world as commoditized and connected as today's, the best B2B and Industrial differentiation strategy no longer involves the development of the old competitive advantages associated with differentiation by quality or cost alone, but rather the internal and permanent development of human competencies and skills such as Intuition and Creativity.

The best B2B differentiation strategy in a world as fast-paced and uncertain as today's necessarily involves being recognized for the ability to solve and anticipate current and future problems (your own and your clients') before and better than others.

This is achieved by developing the jamaica phone number resource organization from the people, skills and vision necessary to generate customized customer experiences. Creativity and intuition are the key skills of a Customer-Centric vision that allows you to adapt to changes in the environment very quickly and before others.

Without them, it will be very difficult to deal with the different types of problems (graph below) that, according to our experience at BtrueB , Industrial and B2B companies face today.



B2B and Industrial companies that are concerned with developing and APPLYING the competency-based Intuition and Creativity in their strategic differentiation process (which is becoming less and less popular) are those that perform a better SWOT analysis, a better B2B segmentation strategy , a B2B/Industrial value proposition that is more adapted to the customer, and more efficient B2B sales processes and strategies. In short, they are those with a better B2B differentiation strategy over time.

Achieving a differentiated B2B company is the same as being a problem-solving company, and this involves establishing fairly open limits for action within brands and thus empowering people to act freely in the face of problems, challenges and ideas.

This is the best B2B differentiation strategy for a B2B company or brand; investing in finding or developing the intuition and creativity necessary in its managers, teams, partners and even clients to be able to be authentic when solving problems.

At BtrueB we strongly believe in this and in our methodology, once efficiency and processes have been resolved, we promote the permanent APPLICATION of Intuition and creativity from people when it comes to improving the Customer Experience.

How? With the internal transversality of the B2B Marketing function throughout the entire organization and with the systematic incorporation of the Customer VoC, it is possible to achieve a constant flow that generates and maintains constant levels of intuition and creativity in people.

Aspects such as content development, recruitment of competency-based profiles and even internal customer experience design processes require people with competencies associated with Intuition and Creativity.

So today we wanted to share our vision with you in this article. We believe that there is a lot of talk about technology, as if it could replace human intuition and creativity, something we do not agree with.

We do agree, however, that technology can greatly empower people with sufficient creativity and basic intuition to be able to interpret and apply it in a differential way.

The combination of both is the key to having the best SUSTAINABLE differentiation strategy in B2B. Starting with people and developing their Creativity and Intuition skills is the basis for efficient use of AI, Bigdata, IOT etc. for problem solving, Innovation etc.