What is B2B/Industrial sales automation and how can it help you sell more?
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:37 am
In today's business world, digital transformation has been increasingly implemented as a logical response to the changing behavior of customers, competitors, suppliers and other stakeholders towards the use of digital technologies. B2B/Industrial sales automation is one of its natural expressions to help you sell more.
Within this digital transformation, some of the areas of the company that have benefited the most are marketing and sales, and today no one doubts that any strategic marketing and sales plan must include the use of digital technologies and media if we want to remain competitive.
In this article I am going to talk about automation in the B2B/Industrial digital sales strategy and how it can help marketing and sales departments. In the field of B2B (Business-to-Business) or Industrial sales kazakhstan phone number resource automation plays a fundamental role by offering technological solutions that allow streamlining tasks, improving productivity, being more effective and ultimately, boosting sales.
At BtrueB we digitize and automate the B2B/industrial commercial relationship as the next step in its strategic development.

1. Focus
Before diving into digital sales strategy and putting automation tools and methodologies into practice, it is essential to have done the prior exercise of understanding your customers' needs and problems, and where you can generate competitive advantages beyond the value you provide with your product or service.
With this information, you can really take advantage of automation tools and methodologies, as they will allow you to find ways to use automation so that you can stand out and offer something unique that meets the specific needs of your customers in a way that is superior to your competitors.
By focusing on these strategic segments, and using B2B/Industrial sales automation, you will be able to establish a strong position in the market and make the most of your resources and strengths to achieve success in your sales efforts.
2. The B2B digital sales funnel
Sales funnels are not a new tool, in fact, they are one of the oldest and most respected tools in sales management. They have traditionally been used as a visual way of representing the different stages that a business opportunity goes through from the moment it is discovered until it ends up becoming a real sale.
In general terms, the steps or stages that a business opportunity goes through are the following:
Within this digital transformation, some of the areas of the company that have benefited the most are marketing and sales, and today no one doubts that any strategic marketing and sales plan must include the use of digital technologies and media if we want to remain competitive.
In this article I am going to talk about automation in the B2B/Industrial digital sales strategy and how it can help marketing and sales departments. In the field of B2B (Business-to-Business) or Industrial sales kazakhstan phone number resource automation plays a fundamental role by offering technological solutions that allow streamlining tasks, improving productivity, being more effective and ultimately, boosting sales.
At BtrueB we digitize and automate the B2B/industrial commercial relationship as the next step in its strategic development.

1. Focus
Before diving into digital sales strategy and putting automation tools and methodologies into practice, it is essential to have done the prior exercise of understanding your customers' needs and problems, and where you can generate competitive advantages beyond the value you provide with your product or service.
With this information, you can really take advantage of automation tools and methodologies, as they will allow you to find ways to use automation so that you can stand out and offer something unique that meets the specific needs of your customers in a way that is superior to your competitors.
By focusing on these strategic segments, and using B2B/Industrial sales automation, you will be able to establish a strong position in the market and make the most of your resources and strengths to achieve success in your sales efforts.
2. The B2B digital sales funnel
Sales funnels are not a new tool, in fact, they are one of the oldest and most respected tools in sales management. They have traditionally been used as a visual way of representing the different stages that a business opportunity goes through from the moment it is discovered until it ends up becoming a real sale.
In general terms, the steps or stages that a business opportunity goes through are the following: