An easy summary would be to say that
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:55 am
After analyzing these campaigns, we can conclude that industrial and B2B products do not have to be less ambitious than B2C when it comes to creating a campaign that is likely to go viral.
Humour, video content, celebrity appearances and the use of new communication formats such as GIFs can also be protagonists in a B2B marketing campaign.
the buyer persona is the ideal client of your B2B industrial company. But it is much more than that, because it is a detailed profile that collects all the information about their work context, their objectives and pain points, etc.
In short, the buyer persona covers psychodemographic netherlands telegram mobile phone number list and professional characteristics in depth. It differs from the target in that the latter is a group of objective clients grouped by sectors, turnover, products... and does not have an individual identity.
What is the purpose of the buyer persona in B2B marketing strategies?
Buyer personas allow you to offer a personalized marketing strategy that overcomes the specific reluctance of the people who actually make the purchasing decisions in industrial companies. The more you know about them, the easier it will be to connect with their needs, using the most appropriate product and marketing approach in each case.
Having a well-defined buyer persona is essential in B2B marketing, especially if we apply Inbound Marketing strategies . Because the buyer persona allows us to transform industrial communications into personal communications, which take into account the specific needs of each individual client and prospect.

For the sales department, a good buyer persona helps them to better prioritize sales contacts , since they can more easily identify which prospects are most likely to become the most profitable customers.
Ultimately, the buyer persona helps you fine-tune your value proposition to cover all the pain points. For example: “I offer you machinery that avoids unwanted production stops, works 10% faster and costs 20% less. In addition, I am responsible for employee training to speed up the process of adapting to the new technology as much as possible.”
After analyzing these campaigns, we can conclude that industrial and B2B products do not have to be less ambitious than B2C when it comes to creating a campaign that is likely to go viral.
Humour, video content, celebrity appearances and the use of new communication formats such as GIFs can also be protagonists in a B2B marketing campaign.
the buyer persona is the ideal client of your B2B industrial company. But it is much more than that, because it is a detailed profile that collects all the information about their work context, their objectives and pain points, etc.
In short, the buyer persona covers psychodemographic netherlands telegram mobile phone number list and professional characteristics in depth. It differs from the target in that the latter is a group of objective clients grouped by sectors, turnover, products... and does not have an individual identity.
What is the purpose of the buyer persona in B2B marketing strategies?
Buyer personas allow you to offer a personalized marketing strategy that overcomes the specific reluctance of the people who actually make the purchasing decisions in industrial companies. The more you know about them, the easier it will be to connect with their needs, using the most appropriate product and marketing approach in each case.
Having a well-defined buyer persona is essential in B2B marketing, especially if we apply Inbound Marketing strategies . Because the buyer persona allows us to transform industrial communications into personal communications, which take into account the specific needs of each individual client and prospect.

For the sales department, a good buyer persona helps them to better prioritize sales contacts , since they can more easily identify which prospects are most likely to become the most profitable customers.
Ultimately, the buyer persona helps you fine-tune your value proposition to cover all the pain points. For example: “I offer you machinery that avoids unwanted production stops, works 10% faster and costs 20% less. In addition, I am responsible for employee training to speed up the process of adapting to the new technology as much as possible.”