There is a whole strategy behind it, which goes far beyond the choice of a good platform , the images of the products we want to sell or the logistics costs that every e-commerce has, since it sends its products to customers' homes. To all this, we must add another point that is perhaps the most important and it is none other than keyword research and everything that concerns the SEO of an online store.
Keyword Research for Online Stores
Conducting proper keyword research for online stores is essential if you want to sell the products your company offers. Keep in mind that, as described in the e-commerce study conducted by FLAT 101 , organic traffic accounts for 47% of the total traffic that reaches an online store . mom phone number data Therefore, conducting keyword research for online stores should be a priority and doing it correctly will mean appearing in the top positions on Google and, therefore, selling more.

Types of keywords for online stores
Generally, when doing keyword research for online stores, we distinguish between two types :
Transactional keywords: These are keywords that invite a transaction. They are usually keywords that include “buy + product for sale.” When a user types this keyword, their intention is clear: BUY.
Informational keywords: These are keywords that generally attract traffic to an online store , traffic that has no intention of buying, but is only looking for information about certain products. They usually appear as “best + product keywords” or “advantages of + product keywords”.
How to do keyword research for online stores?
The first and most important thing to consider when conducting keyword research for online stores is the search volume of the keyword itself, that is, you need to find the search volume of all the products sold in your store, word by word. To find out the search volume, you can use tools such as Semrush , Sistrix , or the Google Ads Keyword Planner.
But not everything revolves around search volume. This data must be compared with another very important factor: the competition when it comes to positioning that keyword on the first page of Google.
There are two ways to find out the competition for keywords in your online store. You can use special SEO programs (kwfinder, Ahrefs…) in which, in addition to observing the competition for each keyword, you can also see the search volume for it. The other way is to search for the keyword on Google, and if you see that there are a lot of ads for that keyword, the competition will be very high.
Choose keywords that satisfy the search intent of users
search-intentionIt all depends on the products sold in the online store. But at Rumpelstinski we recommend betting on keywords that sell, that is, not those keywords that have the most traffic, but those that denote a purchase intention on the part of the user and that provide them with the information they want to find to close the purchase.
For example, if your store specializes in selling bicycles, it would be quite inappropriate to target the keyword “bicycles” . The competition for that word is huge because there are probably other websites that are not dedicated exclusively to selling bicycles that use that keyword, in addition to the number of paid ads that will be around that search.
In this case, the most correct thing to do would be to transform “bicycles” into a transactional keyword (“buy bicycles”) or to be more precise when choosing keywords that include the word “bicycles”, such as “children’s toy bicycles” or “mountain bikes”. The longer the keyword or key phrase, the less competition there will be to position it.