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Another important point is social proof or recommendation

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:19 am
As it provides a human touch and confidence for new users. How can we ensure that the recommendation is positive?

To start, we must address them in a personalized way and never with the message that appears by default in the application. That is, we must show interest in our recipient and address them specifically. At the same list of albania whatsapp phone numbers time, we can take advantage of our relationship with one of our close clients to propose that they recommend us before closing the deal. That is, explain our objectives to them and guide them in a concise way to direct the content that we want to appear within the recommendation. We can include the key words within the request so that by association the person in question can also include them within the text.

It is not the same thing if someone recommends us for how great we are as if they can give us an objective figure or data, such as: ' Juan helped us expand our business in more than 10 European countries ' or ' Ana multiplied our sales in just 3 months '. On the other hand, it is not the same if someone related to our business or a satisfied customer recommends us as if a family member or friend recommends us. Therefore, we must also select the user that we believe will give us compelling reasons to boost our business.


If we have already lost contact with that client, we can recommend them a priori without expecting anything in return. In a way, it is giving room for that person or business to recommend us later as feedback or a sign of gratitude for our previous recommendation.