One of the most amazing things about Twitter and social media in general is the ability to interact with your followers , making it much easier to improve your relationship. What used to only be achieved through the mass distribution of an advertisement that reached a huge number of people (as in the case of TV) is now done in a much more personal way.
To improve user awareness of our brand, the most important thing is to spread our message by improving the interaction of our Tweets. To achieve this goal, the ideal option is an interaction or engagement campaign .
One of the most positive features of Promoted Tweets is that they are actually ads, but the only thing that differentiates them from other Tweets is a little label at the bottom. This means that users can comment on Promoted Tweets, like them, share them, etc. The more users interact with our Promoted Tweets, the more users will see and interact with them, creating a virtuous circle . So, how can you get more people to interact with your Tweets?
1# Bet on the visual
People are much more attracted to messages when they are visual, so always make sure to add images or videos to your tweets to make them more attractive.
2# Take advantage of the moment
Make the most of the instant connection Twitter provides with followers and potential customers to talk about things that are happening right now. Remember, it's all about getting noticed, so try to connect with them and their interests by tweeting about other topics too, such as current events, news or trends. Make sure you also define your target audience, know who they are and update it constantly. Use keywords that are frequently searched, hashtags related to events and special days and topics of interest (TV shows, movies, famous people, causes) and create tweets that interest the people in your target audience. Finally, make sure you define your budget. Promoted tweets are paid based on the interaction they receive (no cost per organic interaction), and this means that you only have to pay for actual performance, instead of paying for actions without being sure how they will perform. In addition, Twitter gives you the option to limit the daily and total budget you want to allocate to your campaigns, giving you total control over costs.
3# Increase your App downloads
In an increasingly mobile world, it is key that we adapt not only our marketing strategies, but also our products to the needs of our consumers. This is why mobile apps have become so relevant so quickly in recent times. 80% of Twitter users access it via a mobile device , making it the perfect platform to promote downloads of your brand's app.
The best way to do this on Twitter is by launching campaigns using App Cards. App Cards are similar to Promoted Tweets, but with the advantage that they offer a direct way to download apps with a single click, without having to leave the Twitter app itself. They adapt automatically to the user, depending on their operating system (Android and iOS), and are never shown to users who access Twitter through their computer, since they would not be able to download them. App Cards allow you to publish tweets accompanied by a title, image, app rating and call to action linking directly to the installation.
We've mentioned it before but we'll say it again: Always make sure your campaign is mobile-optimized! With so many options out there, users don't pay enough attention or have the patience to wait if your website loads too long, or your ad doesn't work perfectly on their mobile device. In that case, they'll probably close it quickly when they see that it doesn't work properly and you'll lose a big part of your potential audience. For this reason, it's sometimes better to keep it simple and easy to use.
4# Increase traffic to your website
Increasing web traffic is one of the most common marketing goals for companies in all sectors. By welcoming users to your website, you offer them the opportunity to get to know you, why you exist, and what you can do for them.
For this type of campaign, your best bet is Website uruguay business email list Cards. Similar to App Cards, Website Cards allow users to view an image, short description, URL, and Call To Action. Make sure you take full advantage of these possibilities and don't make the mistake of repeating the same information (for example, don't repeat information in the headline and in the text). Studies on Twitter claim that promoted ads that include Website Cards get 43% more clicks than regular tweets.

However, your job isn’t done until you make sure you’re monitoring your online conversions. Instead of blindly creating tweets in the hope that they’ll work, make sure you’re taking advantage of all the tools you have available. By measuring your conversions, you’ll be able to understand how users behave when they land on your website via Twitter Cards, which particular tweet brought them to your website, and other information such as what operating system they use, whether they arrived from a mobile or desktop computer, etc. All of this information will significantly help you in your future campaigns, as you’ll be able to find out which Tweets performed best, which groups react positively to your tweets, and why they clicked through to your website. All of this will also help your budget, as you’ll be able to focus your efforts and resources on campaigns and audiences you already know and leave aside those that performed less well.
5# Build your audience
When your marketing goal is to increase your number of Twitter followers, your best bet is to create a Promoted Account . Increasing your number of followers is a great way to start, as it will increase your reach and the ease of communicating with your audience. The more followers you have, the more engagement your account and your tweets will receive, which will not only increase the impact of your promoted tweets, but your organic tweets as well. After you have them as followers, you can also use that information to target users with similar profiles who may also be interested in your brand.