These are f the DANA in relation to the climate permit
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:51 am
To modify the Workers' Statute for the purposes of:
1) Introduction of a new temporary paid leave "paid climate leave" due to inability to access the workplace as a result of situations of serious and imminent risk arising from a catastrophe or serious and imminent risk.
2) The temporary permit may lead to a force majeure ERTE
3) Workers' rights to be informed of the measures the company has taken to alert workers in the event of catastrophes or civil protection warnings.
4) New action protocols that include occupational risk prevention in the event of catastrophes or adverse weather conditions.
5) To the modification of the effective date established in Royal Decree Law 6/2024, of 06/11.
6) non-compliance with employment-related measures
Who does it affect?
1) Self-employed workers, both full-time and part-time.
2) Company
How does it affect?
1) New paid leave – Climate leave
It can take up to 4 days.
Obligation of payment of the full salary and contributions by the company.
If the situation continues, it may lead to a force majeure ERTE. Consequences:
a) Suspensions of the employment contract
b) Reduction of working hours
If the possibility of teleworking can be established and the state of the networks allows it, the company may establish this work modality.
2) Definition of force majeure
The previous ones are maintained.
During the 4 days of paid leave due to climatic reasons, there cannot be any question of force majeure. For this to occur, the 4 days must have been exceeded.
While paid leave due to weather conditions lasts, force majeure may occur due to circumstances other than those that trigger paid leave due to weather conditions.
3) Other obligations of the company
Inform the worker of the action measures adopted in response to the activation of alerts for catastrophes and other adverse meteorological phenomena.
Through collective bargaining, action protocols must be negotiated that include risk prevention measures related exclusively to action in the event of catastrophes and other adverse meteorological phenomena.
Within 12 months, the Government must approve a Regulation on the protection of workers from climate change in the workplace.
4) Non-compliance with measures adopted within the framework of the DANA – Prohibition of dismissal
Companies affected by the DANA have the possibility, as venezuela company email list an aid, to be exempt from paying Social Security contributions for their workers.
This implied a ban on laying off workers.
If non-compliance occurs, for the sole purposes of the exempted fees:
a) Refund of fees will be required

b) Only the contributions of the worker who has been affected by the dismissal must be reimbursed.
When does it affect?
The measures come into effect on 11/30/2024.
The effective date of the measures adopted is modified taking into account the effective date of 28/10.
In short, these measures seek to further protect workers, as well as provide a comprehensive and coordinated response for the recovery and reconstruction of areas affected by the DANA, supporting both individuals and local businesses and entities.
1) Introduction of a new temporary paid leave "paid climate leave" due to inability to access the workplace as a result of situations of serious and imminent risk arising from a catastrophe or serious and imminent risk.
2) The temporary permit may lead to a force majeure ERTE
3) Workers' rights to be informed of the measures the company has taken to alert workers in the event of catastrophes or civil protection warnings.
4) New action protocols that include occupational risk prevention in the event of catastrophes or adverse weather conditions.
5) To the modification of the effective date established in Royal Decree Law 6/2024, of 06/11.
6) non-compliance with employment-related measures
Who does it affect?
1) Self-employed workers, both full-time and part-time.
2) Company
How does it affect?
1) New paid leave – Climate leave
It can take up to 4 days.
Obligation of payment of the full salary and contributions by the company.
If the situation continues, it may lead to a force majeure ERTE. Consequences:
a) Suspensions of the employment contract
b) Reduction of working hours
If the possibility of teleworking can be established and the state of the networks allows it, the company may establish this work modality.
2) Definition of force majeure
The previous ones are maintained.
During the 4 days of paid leave due to climatic reasons, there cannot be any question of force majeure. For this to occur, the 4 days must have been exceeded.
While paid leave due to weather conditions lasts, force majeure may occur due to circumstances other than those that trigger paid leave due to weather conditions.
3) Other obligations of the company
Inform the worker of the action measures adopted in response to the activation of alerts for catastrophes and other adverse meteorological phenomena.
Through collective bargaining, action protocols must be negotiated that include risk prevention measures related exclusively to action in the event of catastrophes and other adverse meteorological phenomena.
Within 12 months, the Government must approve a Regulation on the protection of workers from climate change in the workplace.
4) Non-compliance with measures adopted within the framework of the DANA – Prohibition of dismissal
Companies affected by the DANA have the possibility, as venezuela company email list an aid, to be exempt from paying Social Security contributions for their workers.
This implied a ban on laying off workers.
If non-compliance occurs, for the sole purposes of the exempted fees:
a) Refund of fees will be required

b) Only the contributions of the worker who has been affected by the dismissal must be reimbursed.
When does it affect?
The measures come into effect on 11/30/2024.
The effective date of the measures adopted is modified taking into account the effective date of 28/10.
In short, these measures seek to further protect workers, as well as provide a comprehensive and coordinated response for the recovery and reconstruction of areas affected by the DANA, supporting both individuals and local businesses and entities.