How to extend my digital marketing strategy to international sales
Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 7:24 am
One of the main benefits of digital marketing strategies is that they are easily scalable to other products and markets. Therefore, without a doubt, having one puts any company at an advantage over a competitor that does not have one.
2.1. The web
One of the main handicaps faced by most companies that want to start selling abroad is adapting the language of their website. Of course, it is becoming more and more common to create websites that are adapted from the start to accommodate several languages, but… What if yours is not one of them?
Fortunately, there are many smart tools that allow you to create smart content that varies depending on the visitor's IP location.
Guide to adapting your website to international markets
2.2. Market-adapted content and conversion tools
Using these SMART tools to create conversion elements such as Landing Pages or elenco telefonico polonia Pop-ups, essential for the success of any digital strategy, makes adapting your digital resources increasingly simple and economical.
Adapting the keywords that your business needs to the languages of the countries you want to enter is crucial to scaling your digital strategy. As is the case with premium content, which must be adapted to the peculiarities of each market.
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3. How do I know which foreign market is best for my business using digital tools?
When you check your website traffic reports, you may find that many visitors come from countries where you do not have any business. This is often because there is not strong digital competition in your sector in those countries, which forces users to fall for content that has not been created to attract them.
This is a good clue as to your options in those countries. When your website receives conversions and requests for information, or even quotes!, it means that there are business opportunities in that foreign market that are not being pursued by local companies.
Of course, this is not enough to make you venture into trading in another country. But it is a good initial indicator.
2.1. The web
One of the main handicaps faced by most companies that want to start selling abroad is adapting the language of their website. Of course, it is becoming more and more common to create websites that are adapted from the start to accommodate several languages, but… What if yours is not one of them?
Fortunately, there are many smart tools that allow you to create smart content that varies depending on the visitor's IP location.
Guide to adapting your website to international markets
2.2. Market-adapted content and conversion tools
Using these SMART tools to create conversion elements such as Landing Pages or elenco telefonico polonia Pop-ups, essential for the success of any digital strategy, makes adapting your digital resources increasingly simple and economical.
Adapting the keywords that your business needs to the languages of the countries you want to enter is crucial to scaling your digital strategy. As is the case with premium content, which must be adapted to the peculiarities of each market.
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3. How do I know which foreign market is best for my business using digital tools?
When you check your website traffic reports, you may find that many visitors come from countries where you do not have any business. This is often because there is not strong digital competition in your sector in those countries, which forces users to fall for content that has not been created to attract them.
This is a good clue as to your options in those countries. When your website receives conversions and requests for information, or even quotes!, it means that there are business opportunities in that foreign market that are not being pursued by local companies.
Of course, this is not enough to make you venture into trading in another country. But it is a good initial indicator.