What is User Generated Content and how it benefits your brand

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What is User Generated Content and how it benefits your brand

Post by samiaseo33 »

I have a small confession to make. When I buy a product on Amazon, book a hotel on Booking, or search for information about a company on Google, I always rank the reviews from worst to best. From there, I try to spot potential problems that might make that purchase a bad idea.

In general, we tend to see these third-party phone number database india opinions as more authentic, honest and trustworthy than the information provided by the brands themselves. This is logical, because they are supposed to be disinterested assessments. That has its nuances, of course, but in this post we are not going to talk about purchased reviews, fake comments and other ways of manipulating this type of opinion. What we are interested in is explaining what User Generated Content is (yes, another of those terms in English that abound so much in the world of marketing), also known as UGC or user-generated content .

Every time we leave our opinion about a product or service , we are creating User Generated Content, like in the examples I mentioned a moment ago. It is something we write, see or read every day.


In a nutshell, we can define UGC as any form of content about a product or service created by its users and not by the brands . The formats in which these opinions can be expressed are very varied, as we will see later.

Now that we have a little more clarity on what User Generated Content is, it is important not to confuse it with other strategies . Sometimes the boundaries can be a little blurry, but remember these differences between UGC and other types of marketing actions :
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