8. What do you think is the role of technology in the classroom?
Many teachers are now incorporating technology into their classes. Your answer should explain your opinion on technology and how it translates into your teaching. Many teachers aim to use the technology available without letting it take over the classroom.
Sample response: “I believe technology in the classroom can be a valuable tool to help students learn. However, technology can also be distracting, so setting expectations about appropriate technology india email list use is critical. Students need to be able to use technology to learn in addition to basic skills, so I assign assignments that require advanced use of technology to complete the work. For example, I may include formatting requirements in their writing assignments so that they progressively learn formatting throughout the year. This allows students to become more comfortable with different platforms and sets them up for success in their future workplace.”

9. What questions do you have for us?
This question is often asked at the end of the interview and is a key part of the interview. Asking thoughtful, researched questions shows your interest in the position and makes for a memorable final impression. Come prepared to the interview with five to ten questions and write them down. Also make a mental note of any new questions that come up throughout the interview.
Sample questions: “How would you describe the school culture? What qualities do you look for in a candidate? What are some of the school’s greatest accomplishments? What extracurricular activities are offered to students?”