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CRM Pricing: How Much Does It Cost to Implement?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:58 am
by sakib30
So, how much will this CRM cost us?

Ugh, the dreaded budget question. When it comes to implementing customer relationship management (CRM) to personalize your digital marketing campaigns, this question can be difficult to answer.

The first thing you need to know is that they are almost never worth lithuania phone number data their face value, as there is the initial cost, the cost per user, customization, etc., and it seems like the list never ends.

So, what does a CRM actually cost? How can we calculate and set a budget for having one?

The true cost of a CRM is rarely understood at the beginning of the process. Therefore, inadequate funding is one of the main reasons for CRM implementation failure.

The price of a CRM is divided into two categories:



Within these categories, you can pay in two ways:

With money
In time
This gives us four types of CRM pricing:

Transparent rates
Transparent time investment
Hidden Fees
Hidden time investment
This article will go over each of the CRM pricing types and where you can find them.

How much does it cost to implement a CRM?
ActiveCampaign CRM costs from $19 USD per month.

CRM prices vary widely, and many CRM platforms charge per user. An enterprise CRM like Microsoft Dynamics can cost as much as $130 per user per month. Even the most affordable CRMs can cost $12 per user per month and still have hidden implementation fees.

How much does it cost to implement a CRM? Some estimates range from $1,200 to $5,000 in implementation fees. ActiveCampaign's CRM has no implementation fees (we'll even migrate you for free) and charges a flat fee rather than charging per user.

Transparent pricing
CRM vendors are upfront about some implementation costs. But you should keep in mind that some of the steps to implement a CRM require some of your time.

These prices are the easiest to spot and include in your budget. They are the “core” costs of implementing a CRM.

Transparent tariffs are divided into four categories:

Subscription costs
Costs by service level
Cost per user (per month or per year)
Implementation fees
Transparent time investment emerges from the five stages of the CRM implementation process.

Data preparation
Transparent rates
In the CRM implementation process, the first transparent fee is the subscription cost, or the price paid to access the system. There are different types of CRM subscriptions.

The decision you'll need to make is whether you prefer a cloud CRM or an on-premise CRM.

Cloud CRM vs. On-Premise CRM
A cloud CRM is a system that is hosted online – you pay a subscription fee to license it for your business. Cloud CRMs offer more flexibility in terms of customization and payment options, are easier to scale, and offer remote access from all your devices.

An on-premise CRM is a system that you buy upfront (and it costs a lot of money). It's yours, it exists on your servers. Maintenance, updates, and uptime are your responsibility.