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Dieters will be more successful

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:02 am
by Munnaf124578
Several types of woodpeckers are common at bird feeders, if you are offering what they like. Consider putting out a suet feeder, as well as offering black sunflower seeds. Make sure to get a suet feeder with a tail rest area which helps attract larger woodpeckers, such as stilt-billed woodpeckers. Here is a good suet feeder on Amazon that has an extra-long tail rest area and holds 2 suet cakes.

I like to buy suet in bulk because my birds go through it very quickly.

Let the dead trees be
Woodpeckers love dead and dying trees. They saudi arabia email list are easy to drill into and have plenty of insect larvae for them to eat.


Try nest boxes
Many species of woodpeckers will use nest boxes. Stilt woodpeckers have a history of using nest boxes from May through July. This one on Amazon attracts Red-headed, Red-bellied, and Hairy Woodpeckers.

Native plants and fruit trees
Woodpeckers may sometimes taste fruits and berries such as dogwood, blackberry, tupelo, mountain ash, strawberry, cherry, grapes, bayberry, holly, blueberries, apples, mulberry, brambles, and elderberry.

Put a bird bath or fountain
Woodpeckers will use bird baths just like any other bird, so have a water feature available, preferably with a water motor or solar fountain to help attract them. Solar fountains with batteries tend to work best so that the fountain doesn't stop every time the sun goes behind a cloud.