Top 10 Surprising Online Lead Generation Statistics

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Top 10 Surprising Online Lead Generation Statistics

Post by Mitu7898 »

It seems as though for over two decades now in the age of online advertising , brand marketers involved in generating and nurturing new leads have been receiving all the wrong information. They have been making mistakes that are costing their companies lost opportunities to forge lucrative new relationships. According to recent studies from Lead Response Management, Inside Sales, The Marketing Donut, and Aberdeen Research, some widely held beliefs about the lead generation process are literally nothing more than misconceptions. Check out these top ten most surprising lead generation statistics and get ready to change big pieces of your current strategies.

Leading to Contacts – The chances of making contact with a lead increases a hundredfold (not by all, but by a good percent) if they get in touch within five germany business fax list minutes. If you are waiting until the next day to contact a lead so they will think you are busy with other clients, you are losing your lead a hundredfold. The same applies to triggered transactional emails. If there is a new contact on your sites, get the welcome email to them early!

Leading the qualification – Your chances of qualifying are 21 times better if you contact them within five minutes. When you combine the contact factors and the qualification statistics are very clear: you need to act quickly and with absolute certainty. So stop wasting time and get the program!


Quick Sales – Fifty percent of all sales go to the salesperson who is the first to respond to a question. If you needed any more justification than being quick on the mark, this statistic should prove to be more than enough to get you out of your comfort zone and moving quickly.
Delayed Reactions – Fully 63 percent of all people who inquire about your brand offerings will not buy anything from you for at least three months, while one in five will take over a year to finally proceed to purchase. Patience is key, using the kiss on the first date as an example creates a perspective that it would be too early to pressure your new customers into taking action and they may miss out on closing. So take it all in stride.
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