1. Contribution of first awareness
Due to the nature of discovery ads, it is difficult phone number database uk for users to proceed directly to conversion after clicking, and in many cases final conversions occur from other sources such as organic or search ads.
However, if the initial awareness is due to a discovery ad, it can be said that it contributed to the final conversion. In particular, discovery ads are a medium with many delivery surfaces and a low CPM (Cost Per Mile: the cost incurred for each 1,000 times an ad is displayed ) , so we thought that in many cases the initial contact during conversion was a discovery ad.
2. Cross-device use
For example, a user may click on an ad during their commute and become aware of a product, but not have time to consider it carefully and do not convert on the spot, but may remember the ad on their day off and search again on their computer. In other words, if the user is the same even if the device is different, we thought it would be necessary to use cross-device analysis
to determine that clicking on a Discovery ad contributed to a conversion .

Reasons for adopting Ad Ebis
Google Analytics also has a function for analyzing conversion paths, but it is difficult to analyze the contribution of each advertising contact to the final conversion, so this time we used AdEbis to measure more accurate data. Note that Google Analytics may underestimate the measurement results
when measuring the effectiveness of multiple advertising media. (This is because Google Analytics may not be able to determine that the inflow is via advertising, and may measure the conversion as Direct.) AdEbis' strength is its highly accurate data measurement that complies with the latest cookie regulations. Data measurement is possible using first-party cookies , so conversions can be correctly measured as inflows from ad clicks. Reference: Comparing AdEbis and Google Analytics (GA)! A detailed explanation of the differences