How the press office creates connections between journalists and experts

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How the press office creates connections between journalists and experts

Post by kolikhatun088 »

How many reports about the floods in Rio Grande do Sul have you followed that had an environmental expert? And what about when a government measure affects the trade balance, and a report appears on television with an economist talking about the dollar and the stock market?

Press articles always seek the opinion of a professional expert or official data that validates current issues. This meeting between current issues and the opinion of someone who understands the subject can happen when a press office acts as an intermediary.

Press office is a communication strategy!
How does press relations change the communication game?
While newspapers, magazines, TVs and radios are able to enrich the material that is being produced, interviewees gain more presence and authority in society, including in the digital world.

For Aroldo Glomb, press officer at KAKOI new zealand phone number database Comunicação , the biggest benefit of press office services for companies and freelance professionals is the opening of new ways to talk about subjects they are familiar with and that can provide valuable information:

“The routine of newsrooms is hectic due to the volume of reports that need to be completed daily and the consultancy lives up to its name by helping newsrooms find experts who can talk about the most diverse topics and journalists do not always have long deadlines to find who they need at that moment”.

— Aroldo Glomb, KAKOI Communication
Real Releases for Real Connections
The work of the consultancy in creating this relationship and providing relevant content to media outlets can, in the medium and long term, mean that reports can benefit from the opinion of those who understand the subject.

For the work of the press office to be consistent, the advisor depends on content provided by the person being advised, with true stories, reliable statistical data and, when the idea is to suggest a professional to give an opinion on a given subject, having authority and proven experience:

“The work of the consultancy creates this construction of authority and positioning of the company or professional, creating relevance as soon as specialists are called to participate in journalistic content,” adds Aroldo.
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