The 3 (Burning!) Priorities of the Modern Marketing Manager

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The 3 (Burning!) Priorities of the Modern Marketing Manager

Post by tonmoypramanik »

This is the whole challenge of a marketing strategy in the age of the Internet and social networks.

Without this personalized and contextualized experience, your marketing actions will not allow you to attract the attention of the modern, over-solicited buyer.

Because that's what it's all about.

Think about it.

How many commercial emails do you receive each day?

I remember when I was little, I used to have fun counting all the advertising messages I came across during a bus or car ride.

That was 30 years ago, and honestly, I've never been able to accurately count those marketing messages for even a minute.

So today?

We don't know where to turn.

The modern buyer is therefore more demanding, selective and less patient.

Providing a unique, high value-added experience to all your prospects and customers is jamaica email list now essential to generating return on investment with your marketing strategy.

But how to do it?

This is the challenge that the modern marketing manager must take up by focusing now on 3 more than urgent priorities.

1. Optimization of Marketing Actions
Perfection does not exist.

Ensuring a perfect experience for your leads and customers is impossible.

However, there are quite a few areas where you can improve to maximize the ROI of your marketing strategy while meeting the expectations of the modern buyer.

The digitalization of marketing has a definite advantage: it allows you to monitor the performance of your marketing actions in real time.

Analysis, iteration and optimization are a sequence of work that every good marketer must carry out today.

2 examples of optimization that you can probably bring to your marketing strategy.

First, segmentation of your Emailing contact base .

90% of the companies I meet in the field just send the same email to all their contacts.

And then they wonder why they don't get a return on their investment?

Consider segmenting your contact base by customer type (targets, personas – call it what you want!) but also by challenge encountered.

This 2-dimensional segmentation will allow you to send a more personalized and contextualized message, providing more value to its recipient.

Next, look at managing the leads you generate online.

Lead generation is a central mission for the marketing manager.

However, for these leads to be converted into customers, it is essential that your salespeople align their sales approach with the experience you have offered to your leads online.

New call-to-action
2. Customization wisely
Here are 2 statistics that you need to understand in your marketing strategy:

72% of shoppers say they only engage with brands that personalize their marketing messages.

But be careful.

63% of buyers admit to no longer buying from a brand that makes mistakes in personalizing its messages.

Personalization a priority for the marketing manager
Customization is great.

Bad personalization is worse than no personalization in marketing.

Putting the contact's first name in the subject of an email is not enough.

The other priority for the modern marketing manager is knowing how to collect and use the right data to properly personalize their messages.

3. Customer loyalty
We all know it. You know it.

Retaining a customer costs less than prospecting a new one.

Unfortunately, lack of time means that customer loyalty is often the marketing mission most often sacrificed by companies.

A client once told me that the only communication his customers received was an invoice!

This is the reality in many (MANY!) companies.

However, with the Internet and digital transformation, competition is stronger and innovations are very common.

All this means that your customers are less and less loyal.

The 3rd priority for the modern marketing manager is therefore to implement actions which improve customer satisfaction and increase their lifespan with you.

You really don't have time for this?

We and our clients use marketing automation for this.

In particular, we are setting up an automatic customer satisfaction score and emails (always high value!) which are also automatic and which are sent based on this score and the actions of our customers with regard to our communications.
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