Rhe investment by the organization in the initiative

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Rhe investment by the organization in the initiative

Post by Arzina333 »

Rabobank: winner for-profit marketing & communications
Rabobank launched the World Food Game this year, the UN Year of Cooperatives . With the game, Rabobank aims to teach young people more about cooperative entrepreneurship and sustainability in food chains. To achieve this, the game was developed together with hundreds of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 in both online and offline sessions. In addition to using Facebook, various universities were also visited where students were involved in co-creation sessions. Developing and playing the game is not the goal in itself, but a means to keep young people busy with cooperative entrepreneurship and to make them aware of the global food problem.

Co-Creation Awards 2012: criteria
The Co-creation Awards were presented for the third time this year and the event was completely international, both in terms of jury and cases. Co-creation 'guru' and jury member Gaurav Bhalla gave a keynote speech via a daring - not entirely reliable - live Skype connection. There were also several short workshops (break-out sessions) on co-creation, in which all visitors could participate. You can watch the entire event on the Co-Creation Forum's Ustream channel !

All submitted cases first went through a selection round in which they could be nominated based on the following 7 criteria:

the originality of the initiative;
the reach of the initiative (number/diversity of stakeholders);
the interaction with the stakeholders involved;
stakeholder satisfaction with the initiative;
the value created in the initiative;
the publicity caused.
The main jury, which examined the nominated cases, consisted of five 'thought leaders' from both academic and commercial backgrounds: Jeroen de Kempenaer , board member of PDMA Netherlands, Gaurav Bhalla , Ph.D. in Marketing Strategy, Frank Piller , management Professor and co-director of MIT Smart Customization Group, norway phone data Olivia Solon , Associate Editor of Wired UK and Jaco van Zijll Langhout , Principal Consultant Digital Transformation & Innovation at Capgemini Consulting.

The jury members assessed the nominated cases based on four criteria:

the urgency of the problem/need;
the novelty of using co-creation to address this problem;
the degree of innovation in terms of co-creation methods/techniques used;
the result of the co-creation initiative.
In my next article you can read more about the other two winning cases: Stilsicher Unterwegs and Stand For Japan.
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