When such content is pasted

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When such content is pasted

Post by mehadihasan123456 »

In particular, it is possible to block the F12 function key, which usually opens the developer tools with the HTML structure of the page. In addition, you can deactivate the Ctrl+U key combination, which is used to display the source code. An alternative approach is to use special encryption tools. They convert the code into an encrypted format, and instead of readable HTML, the user will see a set of incomprehensible characters. However, it is important to remember that these methods can negatively affect the user experience and accessibility of your web resource. And experienced users can still find ways to bypass such restrictions.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Protecting copyrights It is important to understand that prohibiting copying from a website does not always work. Therefore, a more reasonable approach is to protect not the materials themselves, but the intellectual property on them. We tell you how to ensure copyright protection. Link One of the common methods uae phone number list of protecting content from copying is the automatic addition of a link to the source when copying text. the system adds a link to the source, for example: "Source:https://site.com/…". When developing web resources from scratch, to implement such protection, it is necessary to modify the source code.

And for sites created on popular platforms or using constructors, ready-made solutions are available in the form of add-ons. For example, WordPress users can use a special plugin Append Link on Copy, which automates the process of adding a link. This type of content copy protection has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can help increase the number of backlinks, especially in the case of parsing. However, their quality is usually low, as they often appear on aggregator sites with a dubious reputation. On the other hand, when manually copied, these links can be easily deleted.
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