To get subscribers to your blog you only need to install the Sumome WordPress plugin .
3.-Optimized landing pages
One aspect that many users overlook is to properly optimize their page, to avoid users getting distracted and fleeing when they cannot easily find the information they need.
This dispersion harms the sales of our Inbound strategy, and we must solve this leak point. To avoid this, we usually use what is known as a landing page , which seeks to create leads and increase conversions with very attractive content and with the user in mind.
These landing pages are used by all brands, and can be a perfect Inbound tool for any company.
4.-Guides, Manuals and eBooks
Generating high-value content is one of the most effective and best-performing attraction marketing strategies currently available, but not just any manual or guide will do. Instead, we need to provide the content with high value, quality and usefulness to facilitate its viralization and thereby achieve the greatest number of conversions possible.
This type of content has a great capacity to attract visitors and can give a great boost to our Inbound strategy.
5.- Infographics
In the social landscape, there is no content that has greater capacity for viralization than infographics .
Personally, I am not in favor of creating a post just to include an infographic, but I think it should be the perfect wrapper for a very high-quality post, that is, an infographic presents and captures the user's attention so that they can access the information in the post, but never a substitute.
But infographics will not only allow us to capture the user's attention and achieve greater viralization on social networks, but infographics will also improve our branding, a greater number of followers and improve our web positioning or SEO, because it is one of the most effective natural link building strategies .
[clickToTweet tweet=”Infographics are the #InBound strategy that can achieve the most virality #SM #CommunityManager” quote=”Infographics are the #InBound strategy that can achieve the most virality #SM #CommunityManager”]
6.- Videos
The viral video is a very effective tool to convince the user and thereby achieve more sales. It is essential, although I personally find it very sad, to know the browsing behavior of users, since we find ourselves in a society where visual scanning of content is prioritized over reading it, for this reason the visual format has acquired great value within any attraction marketing strategy.
The corporate video does not work and list of croatia consumer email we have to look for more creative and original formulas to complement our landing page and increase the conversion rate.
7.- Podcast
Getting subscribers to subscribe to our blog feed and receive all our posts instantly is a part that I consider very important.
This year I have been promoting this subscription through the Feedly tool, adding a banner to the sidebar of my Blog so that any reader can become a subscriber with a single click.
This fact has allowed me to increase the number of subscribers on Feedly by more than 500% in just 10 months, going from 100 to the current 627 subscribers.