OMExpo and Expo E-commerce, the benchmark events for digital marketing and e-commerce professionals in Spain, are starting the year off strong and with many new features ahead of the events taking place on 24 and 25 April.
Among the most relevant points, the organization has already confirmed the first Keynote Speakers who will be the key speakers, reference professionals with extensive experience in each of their areas. Another novelty is the launch of its new app “Ponénciate” which will give the opportunity to 2 entrepreneurial projects to participate in the events as speakers.
Among the first OMExpo Keynote speakers are:
Joost Van Niespen, Founder and CEO of the Institute of bermuda email list Digital Economy of ESIC Business & Marketing School (ICEMD), who will offer the opening conference as every year
Irene Cano, Country Manager Iberia of Facebook
Frank Hattann, Head of EMEA Sales Solutions at LinkedIn
Ana Díaz, Director Media Products at Yahoo! EMEA
David Segura, President of the Interactive Advertising Bureau Spain (IAB) and CEO of DobleYou
Rosa Almarza, Media Manager & Digital at Procter & Gamble
Abraham Martin, Marketing Manager at McDonalds
Ezequiel Triviño, President of the Creative Club.
For the moment, EEC speakers have confirmed Roger Graell, e-shop Manager of Mango and Jose Luis Ferrero, Head of E-commerce and Business Development at Phillips Ibérica.
In addition, the organization has launched a new app created to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to promote their project. Through the Ponénciate app, an innovative idea in the fields of digital marketing, online advertising and e-commerce can be presented. A specialized jury will choose the two best ideas and their creators will be able to present them to the best professionals in the sector at OMExpo or Expo E-commerce.
In this way, OMExpo and Expo E-commerce add innovation to the event and expect it to become a historic edition that allows all professionals, entrepreneurs and pioneers in the sector to promote themselves and generate synergies.