Did you know that Telegram was the most downloaded app in January 2021? Or that users of this service have grown by 150% since 2018?
With more than 500 million monthly active users and approximately 55.2 million daily active users, Telegram is one of the most used instant messaging services, as well as one of the most downloaded applications.
What does it owe its disruptive popularity to? Without a doubt, to a happy mix of features and differentiating characteristics, such as greater attention to privacy, user experience and the ability to personalize one's communications, through chat, groups and multiple interaction tools, such as surveys and bots.
In Italy, more than 13 million people use Telegram and this number is growing : could brands and companies ignore the potential of such a captivating and appreciated digital service?
Of course not, and Telegram itself knows this, having recently introduced the ability to send sponsored messages in chats, via Telegram advertisements, known as Telegram Ads, which can be managed with the brand new Telegram Promote platform (the name of Telegram's advertising platform).
We will not dwell on describing this type of audience in the article as it is a rather important topic that deserves specific insights. We promise that in one of our next articles we will also talk about this.
Lookalike Audiences: Reach new people similar to the audience that matters to you. You can create lookalike audiences based on people who like your Page, Conversion Pixels, or your existing Custom Audiences.
On the right side of the screen, the Business Manager oman whatsapp number data provides some useful data for interpreting the quality of the audience. This section provides estimates of the size of the audience and estimated daily results in terms of reach and actions (for example, clicks on links or interactions with posts). We recommend using this tool because it is an important indicator within the campaigns.
instagram ads placementsThe definition of the positioning allows you to define where the Instagram post will be shown to the public. Not everyone knows it but in addition to the classic App positioning (feed, stories, reel, shop.. etc) it is possible to decide whether to show your advertising also on Facebook and external websites. In practice, however, you have the possibility to choose between two options:
Automatic placement: This setting lets the system allocate your ad group's budget across multiple placements based on where your ads are likely to perform best → a choice often recommended by official Meta consultants as well.
Manual Placement: You manually choose where to show your ad. The more placements you select, the more opportunities you have to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
However, it is important to point out that based on the type of campaign, the target and the specific ad, a single placement or at least a single platform (Facebook/Instagram) may be appropriate.
Telegram Ads: How They Work and Why You Should Use Them (In the Future)
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