A day in the life of a data scientist

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A day in the life of a data scientist

Post by ayshakhatun2837 »

Did you use the Internet today? Visit Facebook? Buy from an online shopping website? Check the weather on your smartphone? Watch a funny YouTube video? Use Uber? Connect on LinkedIn? Text your co-worker about that funny YouTube video? If you did any of these activities, you generated an unimaginable amount of data.

Data and Science?
Data is everywhere. It’s infused into everything we watch, to what we do and to what we use. Data has become so crucially imperative to the future new caledonia business email list success of business, especially in the last decade. As businesses and organisations have discovered the benefit of large data. The explosive growth seems like a dream come true for businesses and scientists, but this data is meaningless if we don’t have an understanding of how to capture and analyse it. This is where the data science professionals come in, they have the ability to analyse and make sense of large-scales of data.


The life of a Scientist
The day of a data scientist is varied but, a data scientist’s daily tasks generally revolve around the big world of data, which is no surprise given the job title. Data Scientists are primarily problem solvers, they seek to determine the questions that need answers and come up with realistic, strategised and effective solutions. They are like detectives but rather search for the cause of the crime they sit at their desk de-coding data, making meaning of the data and then finding solutions for very complex situations.

What ordinary day?
There is no such thing as an ordinary day, every day is constantly changing, new challenges are thrown their way and it’s their job to discover the root cause of the problem through the utilisation of effective tools and methods that will permanently fix the problem at hand. Data Scientists have this amazing ability to express a level of flexibility and adaptability across all varying elements of their work.

Therefore, working as a Data Scientist encompasses a combination of creative vision, computer science, connecting mathematics with technology and the ability to identify meaning and value in enormous and unimaginable data sets.

So the next time you are scrolling through Facebook, think about the person behind the screen, the algorithms used and the data processed.

The person behind the screen is a Data Scientist, analysing the data you are generating and making it into meaningful and useful forecasts that will be used in the future.
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