GECA data by MarketingDirecto

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GECA data by MarketingDirecto

Post by tasnimsanika69 »

Prime Video has become the leading SVOD platform in terms of users with access in Spain. Both Prime Video and Netflix lead the ranking of platforms with the highest percentage of SVOD service users, both those who pay and those who do not.

However, for the first time since the implementation of the GECA Barometer, Prime Video has surpassed Netflix in this aspect. All these data can be seen in the interactive graph.

GECA data by
On the other hand, Disney+ is the service that has grown the most compared to the previous wave and has broken an all-time record. Finally, SkyeShowtime has had a great start (4.5%) in its first month of life. It is positioned close to Apple TV+ (4.8%).

In the case of Netflix , the platform has dropped compared to the previous wave (6.1 points) after the announcement of eliminating shared accounts. Indeed, the most common response among those who have cancelled their account on the platform in the last year is “it does not allow sharing accounts with other people”. This reason is positioned as the main factor that leads users to abandon the platform.

According to the study presented by GECA at AEDEMO, users consider quality and number of devices to be the two most important features in a Netflix plan. In response to this, Netflix has increased the quality and number of devices in its ad-supported plan.

.comRTVE Play stands out as the most used free VOD service of a thailand number screening channel on television during this wave
RTVE Play and the free version of Atresplayer are practically tied, while Pluto TV , which has experienced an increase of 2.4%, is close behind.

GECA data by
We can see that YouTube is in first position, followed very far behind by TikTok . RTVEPlay practically ties with Atresplayer and PlutoTV is very close. Finally, Mitele is in last position. The percentage of people who do not use any platform is also added .

On the other hand, with a 14% share of the Total Platforms audience, “The Snow Girl” is consolidated as the most watched premiere to date . In addition, the series starring Milena Smit has been seen by 21.2% of Netflix users who have access to it.

In addition, in terms of absolute premieres most viewed among users who have access to a specific platform, "The Last Of Us" takes the credit . The series has been watched by 37.5% of HBO Max users , which is equivalent to 11.7% of the Total Platforms audience.
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