Creativity in B2B and Industrial Marketing: an opportunity beyond communication.

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Creativity in B2B and Industrial Marketing: an opportunity beyond communication.

Post by mehadihasan123 »

Marketing and creativity are closely associated concepts, but creativity, in B2B and industrial environments, is excessively linked to communication, neglecting other types of applications that are more differential today. Strategically, Creativity in B2B and Industrial Marketing can be a great opportunity to attract clients, manage, retain talent, solve problems, but above all, to adapt to change.

Today I want to share with you why and in what specific aspects I consider Creativity in B2B and Industrial Marketing as an opportunity beyond communication.

The idea for this article was born in my day-to-day work as a B2B and Industrial Consultant and Mentor, where one of the things I most actively promote among my clients is mexico phone number library to SOLVE with creativity. Strategically, in my work with them, I consider it my best tool to stimulate them to; connect with people, solve problems, differentiate the brand, create audiences, develop products, stimulate them intellectually but above all so that they adapt better to the moment, needs and CHANGES of THEIR clients.

I believe that one of the great challenges for B2B and Industrial organisations today is to adapt to changes sooner and better. Working on creativity internally is a fundamental strategic facilitator for triggering a cultural change that achieves this adaptation to changes in a more natural way. A new vision of B2B and Industrial Marketing can help with this.

Therefore, if we talk about sustainable differentiation in B2B and Industrial Marketing, we have to talk about direct action on people and culture and that is where the development of creativity and intuition will come in as the best B2B and Industrial differentiation strategy for a company.


Learning from B2C.
If there is one thing that differentiates B2C companies from B2B companies, it is that the former need a lot of notoriety to attract attention and capture an audience that often buys impulsively. On the other hand, B2B needs much more relevance. That is, much more depth in the message to capture a professional audience that needs strong arguments to be emotionally convinced and take the risk of betting on a supplier.

This need for permanent notoriety in B2C makes creativity a strategic tool not only for communicating but also for adapting to change in an agile way in other areas. In B2B Marketing, until now, this need has not existed, therefore, B2C can be a good example from which to learn.

From my point of view, B2B and Industrial organisations are still very predictable and static, so those that understand and apply the great potential of Creativity in their B2B and Industrial Marketing have an advantage. I also understand that it can still be an opportunity if you look beyond communication.

Strategic Application Areas of Creativity from B2B and Industrial Marketing.

Tactical Communication Campaigns
This part is perhaps the most obvious. We all find an ad that connects with our emotions more attractive because it generates memories.

In a hypersaturated digital world, getting access to customers is easier than ever, but getting them to pay attention to you is much more complicated. A good message with creativity aligned with the values ​​of a company, the emotions of a specific type of customer and with an expected impact, makes the difference. This is true in B2B, B2C, B2G, etc. because we are all people and we all react to things that catch our attention.

In the past, creativity was a concept almost exclusively associated with advertising agencies, but today, with AI tools, for example, anyone can be “creative” autonomously.

For example, check out this Google Ads tool that helps marketers, like those at cat food company Sosa, harness the power of AI to create campaign assets in a simple and fun way.
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